Chagford England Early Works To 1800 : A true relation of two most strange and fearefull accidents, lately happening : the one at Chagford in Deuonshire, by the falling of th[e] Stanary Court-house, the 6. day of March last. The other at Branson within a mile of Burton vpon Trent in Staffordshire, this present yeare 1618.
Chagford England Maps : Devonshire [cartographic material] : sheet SX 78 NW.; Great Britain.
Chagossians Biography : Eviction from the Chagos Islands : displacement and struggle for identity against two world powers / edited by Sandra J.T.M. Evers, Marry Kooy.
Chagossians History : Eviction from the Chagos Islands : displacement and struggle for identity against two world powers / edited by Sandra J.T.M. Evers, Marry Kooy.
Chagossians Mauritius Social Conditions : Chagos islanders in Mauritius and the UK : forced displacement and onward migration / Laura Jeffery.; Jeffery, Laura.
Chagoya Enrique : Codex espangliensis : from Columbus to the border patrol / by Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Enrique Chagoya, Felicia Rice.; Gómez-Peña, Guillermo.
Chai May Lee : Hapa girl : a memoir / May-lee Chai.; Chai, May-Lee.
Chair Industry Law And Legislation Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Reasons humbly offered to the honorable, the members of the House of Commons, on the behalf of several persons, concerned in the makeing, carving, turning, and caneing of chairs, in and about the city of London : why the same trades ought not to be suppressed, as is designed by the upholsters, by a petition preferred to this honorable House, to that intent and purpose.
Chair Makers England Early Works To 1800 : To the Parliament of England. : The case of several thousand poor workmen that live by making cane-chairs, &c. against the rich, angry, upholsters, who prosecute a bill to destroy that trade.
Chair Makers Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Reasons humbly offered to the honorable, the members of the House of Commons, on the behalf of several persons, concerned in the makeing, carving, turning, and caneing of chairs, in and about the city of London : why the same trades ought not to be suppressed, as is designed by the upholsters, by a petition preferred to this honorable House, to that intent and purpose.
Challenger Spacecraft : The Challenger launch decision : risky technology, culture, and deviance at NASA.; Vaughan, Diane.
Challenger Steamship : Under the deep oceans : twentieth century voyages of discovery.; Gaskell, Thomas Frohock.
Challock England Maps : Kent [cartographic material] : sheet TR 05 SW.; Great Britain.
Challoner Richard 1691 1781 : Challoner and his church : a Catholic bishop in Georgian England / edited by E. Duffy ...
Challons Anne Active 1621 : Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. : to all and singuler archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, deanes and their officials ... greeting : whereas wee are credibly giuen to understand aswell by the humble supplication and petition of our poore distressed subiect Anne Challons, the distressed widow of Captaine Henry Challons late of Stonehouse in the the county of Devon...; England and Wales.
Challons Henry Captain : Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. : to all and singuler archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, deanes and their officials ... greeting : whereas wee are credibly giuen to understand aswell by the humble supplication and petition of our poore distressed subiect Anne Challons, the distressed widow of Captaine Henry Challons late of Stonehouse in the the county of Devon...; England and Wales.
Chalmers James : James Chalmers inventor of the adhesive postage stamp.; Smith, W J.
Chalmers Thomas D D : Six Christian biographies : John Howard, William Wilberforce, Thomas Chalmers, Thomas Arnold, Samuel Budgett, John Foster.; Bayne, Peter.