Childbirth England South East : Great expectations : a prospective study of women's expectations and experiences of childbirth / Josephine M. Green, Vanessa A. Coupland, Jenny V. Kitzinger.; Green, Josephine.
Childbirth In Middle Age : Younger mothers and older mothers : maternal age and maternity care / edited by Tracey A. Mills, Debbie M. Smith and Dame Tina Lavender.
Childbirth Malaysia : Wives and midwives : childbirth and nutrition in rural Malaysia.; Laderman, Carol.
Childbirth Physiological Aspects : Dynamic positions in birth : a fresh look at how women's bodies work in labour / Margaret Jowitt.; Jowitt, Margaret,
Childbirth Statistics Early Works To 1800 : 1602. 1603. A true report of al the burials and christnings within the citie of London and the liberties thereof, from the 23. of December, 1602. to the 22. of December, 1603. : Whereunto is added the number of euery seuerall parish, from the 14. of Iuly, to the 22. of December, aswell within the city of London, and the liberties thereof, as in other parishes in the skirtes of the citty, and out of the freedome adioyning to the cittie, according to the report, made to the Kinges most excellent Maiestie / by the Parrish Clearkes of the same cittie.; Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks.
Childhood Development Great Britain : Developing early years practice [electronic resource] / Linda Miller, Carrie Cable and Jane Devereux.; Miller, Linda,
Childlessness : Counselling for fertility problems.; Read, Jane.
Childlessness Religious Aspects : Reconceiving infertility : biblical perspectives on procreation and childlessness / Candida R. Moss and Joel S. Baden.; Moss, Candida R.,
Children Abuse Sexual : No right way : the voices of mothers of incest survivors.; Orr, Tracy.
Children Africa : Chaga childhood : a description of indigenous education in an East African tribe / by O. F. Raum ... With an introduction by W. Bryant Mumford.; Raum, Otto Friedrich.
Children And Adults History : Designing modern childhoods : history, space, and the material culture of children / edited by Marta Gutman, Ning de Coninck-Smith.
Children And Adults New Zealand : Thinking together : quality adult-child interactions / Diane Dunkin with Pamela Hanna.; Dunkin, Diane,
Children And Adults United States : Other people's kids : social expectations and American adults' involvement with children and adolescents / Peter C. Scales with Peter L. Benson ... [et al.].; Scales, Peter,