Christian Ethics United States : A culture of engagement : law, religion, and morality / Cathleen Kaveny.; Kaveny, Cathleen.
Christian Family Early Works To 1800 : A true patterne of pietie : meete for all Christian householders to looke vpon, for the better education of their families, in the feare and seruice of almightie God. Collected out of the fountaine of holy scriptures, for the especiall vse of the faithfull in the congregation of Malpasse in Cheshire. By Iohn Parker.; Parker, John,
Christian Giving : The great case of tythes : truly stated, clearly opened, and fully resolved / by Anthony Pearson.; Pearson, Anthony,
Christian Giving Early Works To 1800 : Instructions to be observed touching the collection appointed by the declaration of His Highness and the Council hereunto annexed : inviting the people of England and Wales to a day of solemn fasting and humiliation.; England and Wales.
Christian Giving Sermons : Of charity to the houshold of faith : a sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, the aldermen, and governors of the several hospitals of the city, at St. Bridget's Church on Easter-Monday, 1698 : being one of the anniversary spittal-sermons / by the Right Reverend Father in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum.; Burnet, Gilbert,
Christian Hebraists Europe History Congresses : Hebraica veritas? : Christian Hebraists and the study of Judaism in early modern Europe / edited by Allison P. Coudert and Jeffrey S. Shoulson.
Christian Hebraists Switzerland Biography : From Christian Hebraism to Jewish studies : Johannes Buxtorf (1564-1629) and Hebrew learning in the seventeenth century / by Stephen G. Burnett.; Burnett, Stephen G.
Christian Heresies Controversial Literature : An Exact and true relation of the birth and life of Simon Morin, who professed himself to be Jesus Christ : for which, and other detestable heresies, together with his book entitutled Penseés du Morin, he was condemned and burnt at Paris in the end of February last, 1662/3 : with an essay against toleration of schism and hersie.
Christian Heresies England : Mr. Anthony Wotton's defence against Mr. George Walker's charge, accusing him of Socinian heresie and blasphemie / written by him in his life-time, and given in at an hearing by Mr. Walker procured ; and now published out of his own papers by Samuel Wotton his sonne ; together with a preface and postcript, briefly relating the occasion and issue thereof, by Thomas Gataker ...; Wotton, Anthony,
Christian Heresies England History Early Works To 1800 : A nest of serpents discovered. Or, a knot of old heretiques revived, called the Adamites. : Wherein their originall, increase, and severall ridiculous tenets are plainly layd open.
Christian Heresies England History Modern Period 1500 : A Nest of serpents discovered, or, A knot of old heretiques revived, called the Adamites : wherein their orginall, increase, and severall ridiculous tenets are plainly layd open.
Christian Heresies History Congresses : L'argument hérésiologique : l'Église ancienne et les Réformes, XVIe-XVIIe siècles : actes du colloque de Tours, 10-11 septembre 2010 / textes édités par Irena Backus, Philippe Büttgen et Bernard Pouderon.
Christian Heresies History Modern Period 1500 Early Works To 1800 : A short view of the Antinomian errours : with a briefe and plaine answer to them, as the heads of them lye in order in the next page of this booke. Being a nest of cursed errors hatched by hereticks, fed and nourished by their proselites; being taken as they were flying abroad were brought as the eagle doth her young ones to see if they could endure to looke upon the sun-beams of truth with fixed eyes, the which they could not; were presently adjudged to be a bastard-brood, and their necks chopt off, and their carkasses throwne to the dunghill. Imprimatur Ja. Cranford.; Bakewell, Thomas,
Christian Heresies Modern Period 1500 Early Works To 1800 : A discourse concerning the abstrusenesse of divine mysteries : together with our knowledge of them May 1. 1627. Another touching church-schismes but the unanimity of orthodox professors Feb. 17. 1628. By I.D. Mr of Arts and fellow of Merton Colledge in Oxford.; Doughty, John,
Christian Heresies Sermons Early Works To 1800 : The nature and danger of heresies, : opened in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons, Ianuary 27. 1646. at Margarets Westminster, being the day of their solemn monthly fast. / By Obadiah Sedgvvick, B.D. Minister of Gods Word at Covent-Garden.; Sedgwick, Obadiah,
Christian Heretics England Early Works To 1800 : A parallel between the faith and doctrine of the present Quakers, and that of the chief hereticks in all ages of the Church : and also a parallel between Quakerism and popery.
Christian Ii King Of Denmark Norway And Sweden 1481 1559 : An impartial account of Richard Duke of York's treasons, and the several arts and methods made use of by him for the obtaining the crown of England : to which is added The true picture of a popish successor, exactly drawn by the reigns of Christian the Second, and Sygismond, King of Sweden, and Ferdinand the Second, King of Bohemia.
Christian Iii King Of Denmark 1503 1559 : Music from the Time of Christian III : selected compositions from the part books of the Royal Chapel (1541) / edited by H. Glahn.
Christian Inscriptions England : Medieval graffiti : the lost voices of England's churches / Matthew Champion.; Champion, M.