Christianity China History : Ancestors, virgins, & friars : Christianity as a local religion in late Imperial China / Eugenio Menegon.; Menegon, Eugenio,
Christianity China Xiamen Xiamen Shi : Negotiating the Christian past in China : memory and missions in contemporary Xiamen / Jifeng Liu.; Liu, Jifeng,
Christianity Church History 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesties most honourable privy counsel, at Glasgow. By Alexander Rose, D.D. and professor of theologie there; Ross, Alexander,
Christianity Creeds Translations Into Latin Early Works To 1800 : Compendium religionis Christiana his turbulentis temporibus Magnæ Britanniæ : in gratiam & usum studiosæ juventutis paraphrasi epicâ adornatum. Prophylacticon. Dira lues, malesuada fames, lacrymabile bellum, ... cladibus in mediis Numine tutus erit.; Sictor, Jan,
Christianity Early Works To 1800 Iran : A letter, relating the martyrdome of Ketaban, mother of Teimurases prince of the Georgians : & withall a notable imposture of the Iesuites vpon that occasion: sent from Gregorius monke and priest, agent for the patriarke of Antioch vnto the most holy and learned abbot Sophronius. Written first in Greeke, and now done in English.; Grēgorios,
Christianity Economic Aspects : Klēmentos Alexandreōs logos tis o sōzomthyos plousios = Clem. Alexand. liber quis dives salutem consequi posit : accedunt nonnulla in editionibus operum clementis hactenus desiderata.; Clement,
Christianity England Bristol : Religious ministry in Bristol 1603-1689 : uniformity to dissent / by Jonathan Harlow, assisted by Jonathan Barry.; Harlow, Jonathan,
Christianity England Humberside : Contemporary mainstream religion : studies from Humberside and Lincolnshire / edited by Peter G. Forster.
Christianity England Lincolnshire : Contemporary mainstream religion : studies from Humberside and Lincolnshire / edited by Peter G. Forster.
Christianity England London : An account of the rise and progress of the religious societies in the city of London &c. : and of the endeavours for reformation of manners which have been made therein / by Josiah Woodward.; Woodward, Josiah,
Christianity Essence Genius Nature Sermons Early Works To 1800 : The protestatione of the antipopish, antipræ-latick, antierastian, true Presbyterian. But poor and persecuted, church of Scotland. : Against. The Scottish congregation at Rotter-dam in Holland.
Christianity Europe Congresses : Elite and popular religion : papers read at the 2004 summer meeting and the 2005 winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society / edited by Kate Cooper and Jeremy Gregory.
Christianity France Brittany Early Works To 1800 : Christianography, or, The description of the multitude and sundry sorts of Christians, in the world, not subject to the Pope ... : to which is added a treatise of the religion of the ancient Christians in Brittany ... / by Ephraim Paggitt ...; Pagitt, Ephraim,
Christianity Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Some plain directions for the more profitable hearing of the vvord preached, together with the lets and hinderances that do usually keep people from profiting by hearing : and also many characters and clear symptoms of good and profitable hearers; with severall arguments perswading a Christian to take heed how he hears; containing the heads of some sermons lately preached by the most unworthy of Christs servants in the ministery, and now printed for the further benefit of his flock.