Christianity France Brittany Early Works To 1800 : Christianography, or, The description of the multitude and sundry sorts of Christians, in the world, not subject to the Pope ... : to which is added a treatise of the religion of the ancient Christians in Brittany ... / by Ephraim Paggitt ...; Pagitt, Ephraim,
Christianity Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Some plain directions for the more profitable hearing of the vvord preached, together with the lets and hinderances that do usually keep people from profiting by hearing : and also many characters and clear symptoms of good and profitable hearers; with severall arguments perswading a Christian to take heed how he hears; containing the heads of some sermons lately preached by the most unworthy of Christs servants in the ministery, and now printed for the further benefit of his flock.
Christianity In Motion Pictures : Celluloid sermons : the emergence of the Christian film industry, 1930-1986 / Terry Lindvall and Andrew Quicke.; Lindvall, Terry.
Christianity Indonesia Kalimantan : The Kalimantan Kenyah : a study of tribal conversion in terms of dynamic cultural themes.; Conley, William Wallace.
Christianity Malawi : Young Malawian Puritans : young born-again preachers in a present-day African urban environment.; Dijk, Rijk Adrianus van.
Christianity Mexico Juvenile Literature : Christianity in Mexico / written by Frances Hawker and Noemi Paz ; photography by Bruce Campbell.; Hawker, Frances.
Christianity New England Early Works To 1800 : The pretended antidote proved poyson: or, The true principles of the Christian & Protestant religion defended, and the four counterfit defenders thereof detected and discovered; : the names of which are James Allen, Joshua Moodey, Samuell Willard and Cotten Mather, who call themselves ministers of the Gospel in Boston, in their pretended answer to my book called, The Presbyterian & independent visible churches in New-England, and elsewhere brought to the test, &c. and G.K. cleared not to be guilty of any calumnies against these called teachers of New-England, &c. / by George Keith. ; With an appendix by John Delavall by way of animadversion on some passages in a discourse of Cotton Mathers before the general court of Massachusets, the 28th of the third moneth, 1690.; Keith, George,
Christianity Norway : History of the church and state in Norway.; Willson, T.B.
Christianity Of The People Commonly Called Quakers : Antichrist in spirit unmasked: or, Quakerism a great delusion. : Being an answer to a pamphlet lately published and dispersed in and about Deptford in Kent, intituled The Christianity of the people commonly called Quakers. Which they say is asserted against the unjust charge of their being no Christians, upon several questions relating to those matters wherein their Christian belief is questioned. By which pamphlet they would perswade the world that the Quakers are Christians. In which answer you have their deceit detected, their pretended faith examined and proved a counterfeit / by Edw. Paye ...; Paye, Edw.
Christianity Origin Sermons Early Works To 1800 : The genealogie of Christianity and of Christians. / Declared in a sermon at Mercers Chappel before the Right Honourable the Lord Maior of the City of London, April 28. 1650 and now thus published for the undeceiving of those, who say they are Christians, and are not, but do lie; and for the establishment and encouragement of those, who having named the name of Christ, do indeed depart (even in this hour of apostacy) from all iniquity, by C.F. one of the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ in the ministery of the new Testament.; Feake, Christopher,
Christianity Origins Early Works To 1800 : Armilla catechetica. : A chain of principles; or, An orderly concatenation of theological aphorismes and exercitations; wherein, the chief heads of Christian religion are asserted and improved: by John Arrowsmith, D.D. late master both of St Johns and Trinity-Colledge successively, and Regius professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. Published since his death according to his own manuscript allowed by himself in his life time under his own hand.; Arrowsmith, John,
Christianity Papua New Guinea Urapmin : Becoming sinners : Christianity and moral torment in a Papua New Guinea society / Joel Robbins.; Robbins, Joel,
Christianity Poetry : Moses in the bulrushes with seven new carols. / Written by the Rev. James Pmblutree, of Clare Hall Cambridge.; Plumptre, James,
Christianity Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Kosmobrephia : or the infancy of the world: with an appendix of Gods resting day, Eden garden; mans happiness before, misery after, his fall. Whereunto is added, the praise of nothing; divine ejaculations; the four ages of the world; the birth of Christ; also a century of historical applications; with a taste of poetical fictions. / Written some years since by N.B. then of Eaton school; and now published at the request of his friends.; Billingsley, Nicholas,