Church Of England Diocese Of Lincoln Bishop 1621 1641 Williams : Articles to be inquired of in the trienniall visitation of the most Reverend father, VVilliam, by Gods prouidence, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterburie, Primate of all England; and metropolitan: : in and for the Diocesse of Lincolne, during the suspension of the L. Bishop there; and in the yeere of our Lord God 1638. And in the 5th. yeere of his graces translation..; Church of England.
Church Of England Diocese Of Lincoln Bishop 1675 1691 Barlow : Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the diocese of Lincoln : at the triennial visitation of the right reverend father in God, Thomas, Lord Bishop of that diocese.; Church of England.
Church Of England Diocese Of London Bishop 1539 1549 1553 1 : A declaration of Edmonde Bonners articles : concerning the cleargye of Lo[n]don dyocese whereby that excerable [sic] Antychriste, is in his righte colours reueled in the yeare of our Lord a. 1554. By Iohn Bale.; Bale, John,
Church Of England Diocese Of Oxford Bishop 1676 1686 Fell : Articles of visitation & enquiry exhibited to the ministers, church wardens, and sidemen of every parish in the primary episcopal visitation of ... John, by divine permission Lord Bishop of Oxford; Church of England.
Church Of England Diocese Of Peterborough : Articles to be enquired of vvithin the diocesse and iurisdiction of Peterborow, at the visitation of the reuerend father in God, Thomas, by diuine permission Bishop of Peterborow, this present yeare 1623..; Church of England.
Church Of England Diocese Of Ripon : Bishop Bickersteth's visitation returns for the Archdeaconry of Craven, Diocese of Ripon, 1858 / Edward Royle.
Church Of England Diocese Of Worcester Bishop 1663 1670 Skinner : Articles of visitation and enquiry, concerning matters ecclesiastical, according to the lawes and canons of the Church of England : exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the Archdeaconry of Worcester, in the visitation of the Reverend William Hodges Dr. of divinity, Archdeacon of Worcester.; Church of England.
Church Of England Early Works To 1800 : A relation of the fearful estate of Francis Spira. : After he turn'd apostate from the Protestant church to popery / compiled by Nath. Bacon, esq. ; To which is added. K. James, the first prophetical curse, upon any of his race, that should apostatize to the Church of Rome. With several dreadful examples of God's judgments on persons of all degrees, that have, for fear, or worldly interest, forsaken the true religion which once they professed. Together with the lamentation of the great origen, for his fall, when he was again received into the church.; Bacon, Nathaniel,