Coin Hoards Anecdotes : Ancient treasures : the discovery of lost hoards, sunken ships, buried vaults, and other long-forgotten artifacts / Brian Haughton.; Haughton, Brian,
Coin Hoards Great Britain History : Iron age and Roman coin hoards in Britain / Roger Bland, Adrian Chadwick, Eleanor Ghey, Colin Haselgrove, David J. Mattingly, Adam Rogers and Jeremy Taylor.; Bland, Roger
Coin Hoards Scandinavia Congresses : Coins and archaeology : MARG, Medieval Archaeology Research Group : proceedings of the first meeting at Isegran, Norway, 1988 / edited by H. Clarke and E. Schia.; Medieval Archaeology Research Group.
Coinage England Bibliography Early Works To 1800 : A compleat catalogue of all the books lately printed concerning the coin. : Note, the letter A shews those who have wrote for the raising the coin; the letter B the contrary: The * those that have performed extraordinary.
Coinage Great Britain 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : A most humble mem[o]randum from Peter Blondeau, : concerning the offers made to him by this Commonwealth, for the coyning of the monie, by a new invention, not yet practised in any state of the world, the which will prevent counterfeiting, casting, washing, and clipping of the same : which coyn shall be marked on both the flat sides, and about the thickness or the edge ; of a like bigness and largness, as the ordinarie coyn is : and will cost no more than the ordinarie unequal coyn, which is used now.; Blondeau, Peter.
Coinage Great Britain History 17th Century : By the King, a proclamation for the continuing of our farthing tokens of copper, and prohibiting the counterfeiting of them, and the vse of all other; England and Wales.
Coinage Great Britain Sermons : A sermon on the restoring of the coyn : with reference to the state of the nation, and of the church therein / by a minister of the Church of England.; Minister of the Church of England.
Coinage History : A history of money : from ancient times to the present day.; Davies, Glyn,
Coinage International : Los señores y communes del Parlamento aviendo recevido ynformacion por los mercaderes estrangeros y otros que trattan de traer plata a este reyno : quesus correspondientes residentes en las partes ultra marinas an concebido algunos temores y zeloz que les desanima en remittir la dichaplata a este reyno, sigun lo solian hazer.; England and Wales.
Coinage Ireland : Whereas His Majesty by letters patents under his great seal of Ireland, bearing date the eighteenth day of May in the two and thirtieth year of his reign, hath been graciously pleased to grant unto Sir Thomas Armestrong, Knight, and Colonel George Legg, their executors, administrators and assigns, full, free and absolute licence, power and authority, that they by themselves ... should ... make in some convenient place or places ... such quantity of halfpence of copper as might by them be issued amongst His Majesties subjects ... / by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, Ormonde.; Ireland.
Coinage Law And Legislation Early Works To 1800 : By the King. A proclamation prohibiting the exchange of monies for profit, the making of plate of any his Maiesties coynes, and the excessiue vse of gold and siluer foliate..; England and Wales.