Collyweston England Maps : Northamptonshire - Rutland [cartographic material] : sheet SK 90 SE.; Great Britain.
Colman Jeremiah 1659 : Breach upon breach, or, An acknowledgement of judiciall breaches made upon us, procured by sinfull breaches found amongst us : with instruction, admonition, and encouragement yet to turn to him that smites us : as the sum of it was delivered at the funerall of Mr. Jeremiah Colman, late preacher of the Gospell at Hetherset in Norfolk, February 18, 1658/9 / by Tho. Moore, Junior.; Moore, Thomas,
Colman Richard Trials Litigation Etc : Cases of A - Sibson v. the United Kingdom, judgement of 20 April 1993 : B - Brannigan and McBride v. the United Kingdom ... judgment of 25 May 1993 : C - Lamguindaz v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 23 June 1993 : D - Colman v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 28 June 1993.; European Court of Human Rights.
Colmar France Church History : Communities and conflict in early modern Colmar, 1575-1730 / Peter G. Wallace.; Wallace, Peter George,
Colmar Region France History : Communities and conflict in early modern Colmar, 1575-1730 / Peter G. Wallace.; Wallace, Peter George,
Colnbrook Berkshire History : Horrible newes from Colebrooke, declaring the cruelty of Prince Robert in plundering the said towne, and exercising tirany against the inhabitants : also declaring how twelve cavaliers were taken at VVatford by his excellence the Earle of Essex : whereunto is annexed, exceeding joyfull newes from Greenwich in Kent, declaring how the Kings armory was seized on, for the service of the King and Parliament.
Colnbrook Berkshire History Early Works To 1800 : Horrible newes from Colebrooke, declaring the cruelty of prince Robert in plundering the said towne, and exercising tirany against the inhabitants. : Also delcaring how twelve cavaliers were taken at VVatford, by his Excelence the Earle of Essex. Whereunto is annexed, exceeding joyfull newes from Greenwich in Kent, declareing how the Kings armory was seized on, for the service of the King and Parliament.
Cologna Abraham De 1755 1832 : Considérations sur l'existence civile et politique des Israélites [microform] : suiveies de quelques idées sur l'ouvrage de M. Bail, qui a pour titre, Des Juifs au XIXe siècle, et de trois lettres de M. de Cologna, grand rabbin du consistoire israélite de Paris / par M.A.T.D. de S.A.; Desquiron de Saint-Agnan, A.-T.
Cologne Germany History To 1500 : The imperial city of Cologne : from Roman colony to medieval metropolis (19 B.C.-A.D. 1125) / Joseph P. Huffman.; Huffman, Joseph P.,
Colombia Bananas Cultivation : Die Bananenzone von Santa Marta, Nordkolumbien : Probleme ihrer Wirtschafts-struktur und Moglichkeiten der Agrarplanung.; Mertins, Gunter.
Colombia Colonial Influence : Shamanism, colonialism, and the wild man : a study in terror and healing / Michael Taussig.; Taussig, Michael T.
Colombia Foreign Economic Relations United States : Cocaine, death squads, and the war on terror : U.S. imperialism and class struggle in Colombia / Oliver Villar and Drew Cottle.; Villar, Oliver,
Colombia History To 1810 Early Works To 1800 : The council-general of the Indian and African Company's petition to His Majesty..; Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies.