Commerce Scandinavia Mediaeval : Handel og samfaerdsel i oldtiden / udgivet af J. Brondsted. Handel och samfardsel under medeltiden / utgiven av A. Schuck.
Commerce Social Aspects History : The world that trade created : society, culture, and the world economy, 1400 to the present / Kenneth Pomeranz and Steven Topik.; Pomeranz, Kenneth.
Commerce South Carolina History Sources : Butler Plantation Papers [microform] : The papers of Pierce Butler (1744-1822) and successors from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.; Butler, Pierce,
Commerce Tables : Englands golden treasury, or, The true vade mecum : being the most necessary and useful pocket-companion ever published : for the use and advantage of gentlemen, tradesmen, and others : furnished with variety of tables of accompt, trade, merchandize, merchants goods, weights and measures of all kinds ... : choice precedents of bills, bonds, and all manner of useful writings, with many other things very useful, profitable and necessary.
Commercial Art Awards : D&AD09 : the best advertising and design in the world / British Design & Art Direction ; introduction by Tim O'Kennedy.; British Design & Art Direction (Association)
Commercial Art Awards Great Britain : Design and art direction : the 31st annual of the best in UK and international advertising and graphic design, including their respective crafts and product design / Designers and Art Directors Association of the United Kingdom.
Commercial Art Case Studies : Art directing projects for print : solutions and strategies for creative success / Tony Seddon and Luke Herriot.; Seddon, Tony.
Commercial Art Design : No rules logos : radical design solutions that break the rules / John Stones.; Stones, John.
Commercial Art Economic Aspects : Great graphics on a budget : creating cutting edge work for less / written + designed by dixonbaxi.; dixonbaxi (Art Gallery)
Commercial Art History 21st Century : Graphic design for the 21st century = Grafikdesign im 21. Jahrhundert : 100 of the world's best graphic designers / Charlotte & Peter Fiell.; Fiell, Charlotte.
Commercial Art Practice : Great graphics on a budget : creating cutting edge work for less / written + designed by dixonbaxi.; dixonbaxi (Art Gallery)
Commercial Art Social Aspects : Sustainable graphic design : tools, systems, and strategies for innovative print design / Wendy Jedlicka ; with Paul Andre ... [et al.] ; additional contributions by Amelia McNamara ... [et al.] ; foreword by Marc Alt.; Jedlicka, Wendy,
Commercial Artists United States Diaries : Things I have learned in my life so far / Stefan Sagmeister ; essays by Steven Heller, Daniel Nettle, and Nancy Spector.; Sagmeister, Stefan,
Commercial Buildings : Bhopal, India and Empire State Building [electronic resource] / by Andrew Thomson
Commercial Buildings England Liverpool : Built on commerce : Liverpool's central business district / Joseph Sharples and John Stonard.; Sharples, Joseph,