Commercial Products Great Britain Exhibitions : Posh : the evolution of the British brand / [texts, Sorrel Hershberg and Philip Hoare ; illustrations, Paul Slater].; Hershberg, Sorrel.
Commin Faithful : The examinations of Faithful Commin Dominican Fryar, : as Sir James Ware had them from the late Lord Primate Usher, being one of the memorials of the Lord Cecil.; Ware, Robert.
Commission For The Review And Alteration Of The Book Of Common Prayer : The grand debate between the most reverend bishops and the Presbyterian divines : appointed by His Sacred Majesty as commissioners for the review and alteration of the Book of common prayer, &c. : being an exact account of their whole proceedings : the most perfect copy.; Baxter, Richard,
Commissions Of Array England Leicester : Carolus Dei gratia Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ rex Fidei defensor, &c. Charissimis consanguineis nostri Hen. Com. Huntington & Willielmo Com. Devon necnon dilectis & fidelibus nostris Hen. Hastings ...; England and Wales.
Commissions Of Array Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, whereby the good subjects of this kingdome may better discerne their owne danger; England and Wales.
Commissions Of Array Ireland Early Works To 1800 : By the Lord Lieutenant and Council, a proclamation. : Sydney, Whereas the subjects of this realm of Ireland are by the laws and statutes thereof obliged to the defence of this kingdom, as well in repelling forreign invasions as in suppresung [sic] intestine rebellions. ...; Ireland.