Communication In Politics Congresses : The Internet and politics : citizens, voters and activists / edited by Sarah Oates, Diana Owen and Rachel K. Gibson.
Communication In Politics Soviet Union : Soviet political indoctrination : developments in mass media and propaganda since Stalin.; Hollander, Gayle Durham.
Communication In Psychology : The reflecting team : dialogues and dialogues about the dialogues / with contributions by Arlene M. Katz ... [et al.].; Andersen, Tom.
Communication In Science Corrupt Practices : Merchants of doubt : how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming / Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway.; Oreskes, Naomi.
Communication In Services For The Handicapped : See what I mean : guidelines to aid understanding of communication by people with severe and profound learning disabilities / Nicola Grove ... [et al.].; Grove, Nicola,
Communication In Sports : Communication and sport : surveying the field / Andrew C. Billings, Michael L. Butterworth, Paul D. Turman.; Billings, Andrew C.
Communication In The Family : Parent-child communication outside the family : exploring communication in parent-child-society relationships / edited by Thomas J. Socha, Glen Stamp.
Communication International Forecasting : The future of English? : a guide to forecasting the popularity of the English language in the 21st century.; Graddol, David.