Consultation Liaison Psychiatry : Liaison psychiatry : defining needs and planning services / edited by Sidney Benjamin, Allan House, Peter Jenkins.
Consultation Liaison Psychiatry United States : Models of collaboration : a guide for mental health professionals working with health care practitioners / David B. Seaburn ... [et al.].
Consumer Behavior Data Processing : Artificial intelligence and marketing research comparison to predict consumer behaviors / Johnny C.H. Lok.; Lok, Johnny C. H.,
Consumer Behavior England : Eating out : social differentiation, consumption, and pleasure / Alan Warde and Lydia Martens.; Warde, Alan.
Consumer Behavior Exhibitions : Shopping : a century of art and consumer culture / edited by Christoph Grunenberg and Max Hollein ; with essays by Chantal Béret ... [et al.] ; [translation: Lies Bolm-Smith, Dafydd Roberts and Guy Slatter for Byword].
Consumer Behavior History : Histoire des choses banales : naissance de la consommation dans les sociétés traditionnelles (XVIIe-XIXe siècle).; Roche, Daniel.
Consumer Behavior Sex Differences History : The sex of things : gender and consumption in historical perspective / edited by Victoria de Grazia, with Ellen Furlough.
Consumer Behavior South Africa : Commitment-led marketing : the key to brand profits is in the customer's mind / Jan Hofmeyr and Butch Rice.; Hofmeyr, Jan.
Consumer Cooperatives Austria : Im Vertrauen auf die Macht der Hausfrau : die Rolle der Frauen in den österreichischen Arbeiterkonsumvereinen 1856 bis 1977.; Strommer, Franz.