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Coordination Polymers Synthesis : Polyphosphazenes for biomedical applications [electronic resource] / edited by Alexander K. Andrianov.  c2009 1
Coote Charles Sir 1642   30
Coote Richard 1699 : The several tryals of Edward, Earl of Warwick and Holland, and Charles, Lord Mohun : before the House of Peers in Parliament, upon the 28th and 29th days of March, 1699, for the murder of Mr. Richard Coote : the Right Honourable John, Lord Sommers, Baron of Evesham, Lord High Chancellor of England, being lord high steward upon that occasion / publish'd by command of the House of Peers.; Warwick, Edward Rich,  1699 1
Copan Honduras Department Antiquities : Copán : the history of an ancient Maya kingdom / edited by E. Wyllys Andrews and William L. Fash.  2005 1
Copan Site Honduras   2
Copcot John 1590 : A defence of the reasons of the counter-poyson, for maintenance of the eldership : against an aunsvvere made to them by Doctor Copequot, in a publike sermon at Pawles Crosse, vpon Psal. 84. 1584. VVherein also according to his demaunde is proued syllogisticallie for the learned, and plainlie for all men, the perpetuitie of the elders office in the church.  1586 1
Cope Anthony Sir 1548 Or 9 1615   3
Cope David : Virtual music : computer synthesis of musical style.; Cope, David.  2000 1
Cope John 1660 : The grand statute: or The law of death unalterable; : opened and applied in a sermon preached May 11. 1660. At the funerals of that pious, useful, and much lamented gent. Mr. John Cope in the parish-church of St. Mary-Bothaw London. By John Kitchin, M.A. minister of St. Mary-Abchurch London.; Kitchin, John.  1660 1
Copeau Jacques 1879 1949   7
Copenhagen Denmark General Strike 1944 : Triumph in disaster.; Hansen, Holger Hørsholt.  1945 1
Copenhagen School Linguistics Glossematics : Anthony Hunton.; Kaye, W.L.    1
Copenhagen Statens Paedagogiske Studiesamling : Bereting fra Statens Pædagogiske Studiesamling for aret 1971.; Copenhagen.    1
Copepoda   225
Copepoda Adriatic Sea : Planktonic copepods of the Adriatic Sea : spacial and temporal distribution / Jure Hure and Frano Kršinić.; Hure, Jure.  1998 1
  Coperario Giovanni Approximately 1570 1626 -- See Coperario, John, approximately 1570-1626
Coperario John Approximately 1570 1626 : John Coprario : a thematic catalogue of his music.; Charteris, Richard.  1977 1
Copernicus Nicolaus 1473 1543   17
Copford England Maps : Essex [cartographic material] : sheet TL 92 SW.; Great Britain.  1975 1
Copgrove England Maps   2
Copie Of An Aunswere Made Unto A Certayne Letter   2
Coping With Abuse   2
Coping With Anxiety And Phobias   4
Coping With Death And Bereavement   2
Coping With Disability : You mean I'm not lazy, stupid or crazy?! : the classic self-help book for adults with attention deficit disorder / Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo.; Kelly, Kate,  2006 1
Coping With Illness And Specific Conditions   6
Coping With Personal Problems   3
Coping With Stress   2
Copingerus Franciscus : Narratio facti, jurisque disquisitio : in lite jam vertente inter Rdos Adm P.P. Franciscum Copingerum, et P. Geanor, invictis rationibus, simul ac celebri auctoritate [que] roborata. Per R.P. Thomam Haroldum, S. Theologia lectorem jubilatum.; Harold, Thomas.  1670 1
Copinsay Scotland Maps : Copinsay [cartographic material].; Great Britain.  1932 1
Copland Aaron 1900 1990   4
Copland Patrick Approximately 1570 Approximately 1655 Second Couran : Waerachtich verhael, van 't geene inde eylanden van Banda, inden jaere sestien-hondert eenentwintich, ede te vooren is ghepasseert. English.  1622 1
Coplas Spain History And Criticism : La copla flamenca y la lirica de tipo popular.; Gutierrez Carbajo, Francisco.  1990 1
Cople England Maps : Bedfordshire [cartographic material] : sheet TL 14 NW.; Great Britain.  1978 1
Copley Anthony 1567 1607   3
Copley John Exhibitions : John Copley : an exhibition of etchings & lithographs.; Agnew and Sons Limited.  1990 1
Copley John Singleton : John Singleton Copley.; Prown, Jules David,  1966 1
Copley John Singleton 1738 1815 : A revolution in color : the world of John Singleton Copley / Jane Kamensky.; Kamensky, Jane,  2016 1
Copley Lionel   2
Copmanthorpe England Maps   2
Coporate Governance : Institutional shareholders and corporate governance.; Stapledon, G. P.  1996 1
Coporation Of London Court Of Common Council : A new petition: earnestly entreating subscription of hands to back the late city remonstrance. : Unto which is annexed a usefull dialogue, betwixt a church-warden and a parishioner, declaring the danger of the said new petition. Serving as a Christian caveat to the wise-hearted, to take heed of having their feet taken in the snare thereof. / By a cordiall wel-willer to the peace of this famous city. Licensed and entred according to order.; Cordiall Wel-Willer to the Peace of This Famous City.  1646 1
Coppack Tom 1895 : A lifetime with ships : the autobiography of a coasting shipowner / edited by C.V Waine and M.E. Waine.; Coppack, Tom,  1973 1
Coppe Abiezer 1619 1672   4
Coppe Abiezer 1619 1672 Fiery Flying Roll   3
Coppenhall Staffordshire England Maps : [Staffordshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SJ 91 NW.; Great Britain.  1954 1
Copper Age England : Ritual in early Bronze Age grave goods : an examination of ritual and dress equipment from Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age graves in England / Ann Woodward and John Hunter ; with David Bukach, Stuart Needham and Alison Sheridan ; and with contributions by Peter Bray, Mary Davis, Sheila Hamilton-Dyer, Duncan Hook, Rob Ixer, Mick Jones, Mark Maltby, Sonia O'Connor, Philip Potts, Fiona Roe, Lore Troalen, John Watson and Peter Webb.; Woodward, Ann.  2015 1
Copper Age Europe : Our early ancestors : an introductory study of mesolithic, neolithic and copper age cultures in Europe and adjacent regions / by M.C. Burkitt.; Burkitt, Miles Crawford,  1926 1
Copper Alloys : Studies on the investigation of copper, lead, zinc and antimony-bearing regions of India and the competitive position of Indian ilmenite in world markets.; India.  1966 1
Copper Coins Scotland Early Works To 1800   3
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