Copperbelt Province Zambia Maps : The copperbelt of Northern Rhodesia 1959 : abstracts from the first report of the Special Commissioner for the Western Province.; Northern Rhodesia.
Coppicing : Coppiced woodlands : their management for wildlife / R.J. Fuller and M.S. Warren.; Fuller, Robert J.,
Coppin Richard Active 1646 1659 : Truths testimony; : and a testimony of truths appearing, in power, life, light & glory; creating, manifesting, increasing and vindicating it self in the midst of persecution. Wherein is discovered what truth is, and also a lye, who knows it, and lives in it. With the authors call and conversion to the truth, his practice in it, his publishing of it, and his several tryals for the same: Viz. 1. Before Baron Wilde at Worcester. 2. Before Judge Nicholas at Worcester. 3. Before Serjeant Green at Oxford. 4. Before Serjeant Hutton at Oxford. 5. Before Serjeant Glyn at Glocester. Together with the particular accusations brought against him in each tryal, and his answers to the same. As also the courts proceedings both by judges and juries. With an humble appeal to his highness, Oliver Lord Protector, as a general redress for all people. / By Richard Coppin.; Coppin, Richard,
Coppin Richard Active 1646 1659 Blow At The Serpent : The serpents subtilty discovered, or a true relation of what passed in the cathedrall church of Rochester, between divers ministers and Richard Coppin, : to prevent credulity to the false representation of the said discourse published by the said R. Coppin from Maidstone goale. / By Walter Rosewell minister of Chatham in Kent.; Rosewell, Walter.
Coppin Richard Active 1646 1659 Blow At The Serpent Or A Gentle Ans : An answer to a printed book, falsely intituled, A blow at the serpent : It being truly a blow of the serpent, lately published by one Richard Coppin. Wherein, among many others, these following heresies, and abominable errours of his, are briefly, and plainly confuted out of the word of God. 1 That the deitie of Christ was united to the sinful nature of man, and consequently that his conception was impure. 2 That there is no resurrection of the body. 3 That the pains of Hell are not eternal. 4 That there is no general day of judgement, but such a temporal judgement only as befals men in this world. 5 That God will not destroy any man, but only sin in man. 6 That all shall be saved, the divel not excepted. 7 That the humane nature of Christ is not ascended into Heaven. By Edward Garland M.A. and minister of Gods word at Hartclip [sic] in Kent.; Garland, Edward.
Copping David : The family doctor's tale [videorecording] / produced and directed by Caroline Schafer.
Coppinger Edmund 1591 : Conspiracie, for pretended reformation : viz. presbyteriall discipline. A treatise discouering the late designments and courses held for aduancement thereof, by William Hacket yeoman, Edmund Coppinger, and Henry Arthington Gent. out of others depositions and their owne letters, writings & confessions vpon examination: together with some part of the life and conditions, and two inditements, arraignment, and execution of the sayd Hacket: also an answere to the calumniations of such as affirme they were mad men: and a resemblance of this action vnto the like, happened heretofore in Germanie. Vltimo Septembris. 1591. Published now by authoritie.; Cosin, Richard,
Coptic Language History : The rise of Coptic : Egyptian versus Greek in late antiquity / Jean-Luc Fournet.; Fournet, Jean-Luc,
Coptic Language Study And Teaching Early Works To 1800 : Introductio ad lectionem linguarum orientalium: : Hebraicæ Chaldaicæ Samaritanæ Syricæ Arabicæ Persicæ Aethiopicæ Armenæ Coptæ consilium de earum studio fœliciter instituendo, & de libris quos in hunc finem fibi comparare debent studiosi ...; Walton, Brian,
Copybooks England 17th Century : Multum in parvo, or, The pen's gallantry. : A copy-book, containing twenty four sentences in prose, in alphabetical order, and as many in verse, each distich comprehending the twenty four letters: and many examples of alphabets. : Written in all the curious hands now practised in England, and our neighbour-nations. Unto which is now added the best copies of court-hand, with instructions for every thing belonging to writing; by which any one of an ordinary capacity may learn to write without a teacher. Also, the rare principles of this art in a poetical alphabet; published for writing-masters to set their learners. / Invented, written, and engraven by Edward Cocker.; Cocker, Edward,
Copyhold Cases Early Works To 1800 : A brief narrative of the case between His Royal Highness James duke of York, lord of the mannor of Richmond aliàs West-sheen, in the county of Surry; : George Carew esq; one of the customary tenants of the said manor, and Sir James Butler, mortgagee upon a conditional surrender, and others concerned in the said case.
Copyhold England Early Works To 1800 : A supplement by way of additions to and amplifications of the foregoing treatise, concerning copy-hold and customary estates : wherein the grounds laid down in the said treatise are made good and confirmed by several resolutions and judgements given in the courts of common laws of England in divers cases.; Coke, Edward,
Copying : In praise of copying / Marcus Boon.; Boon, Marcus.
Copying Fair Use Copyright Great Britain : Can I copy this? : a brief guide to UK copyright in higher and further education / text by Murray Weston ; cartoons by Nigel Sutherland.; Weston, Murray.
Copying History 19th Century : Replication in the long nineteenth century : re-makings and reproductions / edited by Julie Codell and Linda K. Hughes.
Copying Processes History 19th Century : Replication in the long nineteenth century : re-makings and reproductions / edited by Julie Codell and Linda K. Hughes.