Croft Herbert 1603 1691 Short Discourse Concerning The Reading His : A prophylactick from disloyalty in these perilous times : in a letter to the Right Honourable, and Right Reverend Father in God, Herbert, by Divine Providence Lord Bishop of Hereford : to which (at some distance) will be added a short discourse upon the anchor of the soul of the said Lord Bishop.; Pierce, Thomas,
Crofton Zachary 1606 1660 : A reply to the answer of Anonymus to Doctor Gauden's Analysis of the sense of the covenant: : and under that, to a later tract of one Mr Zach. Crofton of the same fraternity with him. / By John Rowland Oxoniensis, CCC. Rector of Footscray in Kent.; Rowland, John,
Crofton Zachary 1625 Or 1626 1672 Fastning Of St Peters Fetters : Short strictures or animadversions on so much of Mr. Croftons Fastning St Peters bonds, as concern the reasons of the University of Oxford concerning the covenant / by Tho. Tomkins ...; Tomkins, Thomas,
Crofton Zachary 1625 Or 1626 1672 Perjury The Proof Of Forgery : The Presbyterian lash. : Or, Noctroff's maid whipt. A tragy-comedy. As it was lately acted in the great roome at the Pye Tavern at Algate. By Noctroffe the priest, and severall his parishoners at the eating of a chine of beefe. The first part.; Kirkman, Francis,
Crofton Zachary 1625 Or 1626 1672 Reformation Not Separation : Jerub-baal, or, The pleader impleaded : being an answer to Mr. Croftons (lately published) plea for communion with the Church under her present corruptions, &c., entituled Reformation not separation by way of humble remonstrance thereunto : shewing, that non-communion with the Church of England in her liturgy and common-prayer, in those that (yet) joyn with her in the substantial ordinances and instituted worship of Christ, is no schism, and that such are unjustly called separatists : in a letter / written by T.P. for the private satisfaction of a friend, and by him published for common benefit.; T. P.
Crofts Cap : The tryal of Col. Grove, Lieu. col. Boules, [double brace] Capt. Mason, and cap. Crofts, : on Thursday and Fryday last at Salisbury, before the great and new court of justice, erected, constituted, and appointed, by His Highness the Lord Protector. With the charge of high treason exhibited and read against them, for taking up of arms, and conspiring against the present authority at VVhite-Hall; and their speeches at the bar, in answer thereunto. With the proceedings of Baron Thorp, and the rest of the judges thereupon; and the declaration or sentence pronounced by the councel for the Commonwealth.
Crofts Of Saxham William Crofts Baron Approximately 1611 1677 : A true coppy of a letter sent from Duke Hamilton from Perith in Enlgand to Master William Crofts expressing the present condition of the Scottish Army.; Hamilton, William Hamilton,
Croglin England Maps : [Cumberland] [cartographic material] : sheet NY 54 NE.; Great Britain.
Crohns Disease : Crohn's and colitis / researched and written by Mike Hall.; Hall, Mike.
Crohns Disease Popular Works : Go your Crohn way : a gutsy guide to living with Crohn's disease / Kathleen Nicholls.; Nicholls, Kathleen D.,
Crohns Disease Treatment : Management of Crohn's disease / Emma Greig and David S. Rampton.; Greig, Emma.
Croke Alexander 1672 : Two sermons : the first preacht at Steeple-Aston in Oxfordshire at the funerall of Mr. Francis Croke of that place Aug. 2, 1672, the other at the funerall of Alexander Croke of Studley, Esq., buryed at Chilton in Buckinghamshire Octob. 24, 1672 / by Daniel Greenwood ...; Greenwood, Daniel,
Croke Francis 1672 : Two sermons : the first preacht at Steeple-Aston in Oxfordshire at the funerall of Mr. Francis Croke of that place Aug. 2, 1672, the other at the funerall of Alexander Croke of Studley, Esq., buryed at Chilton in Buckinghamshire Octob. 24, 1672 / by Daniel Greenwood ...; Greenwood, Daniel,
Croke John Sir : The perjur'd phanatick, or, The malicious conspiracy of Sr. John Croke of Chilton, Henry Larimore and other phanaticks against the life of Robert Hawkins, clerk, and late minister of Chilton, occasioned by his suit for tiths : discovered in a tryal at Alisbury before the Right Honourable Sir Matthew Hale, then Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer and Lord Chief Justice of England.; Hawkins, Robert,
Croke Thomas William 1823 1902 : Croke of Cashel : the life of Archbishop Thomas William Croke, 1823-1902.; Tierney, Mark.
Crokey Benjamin : To the right honourable the higher and lower houses of Parliament, now assembled: the humble complaint of Benjamin Crokey Gent.; Crokey, Benjamin.
Cromer Evelyn Baring Earl Of 1841 1917 : Lord Cromer : being the authorized life of Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer.; Zetland, Lawrence John Lumley Dundas,
Cromford England Maps : [Derbyshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SK 25 NE.; Great Britain.
Cromlechs Wales : The tomb-builders in Wales 4000-3000 BC / Steve Burrow.; Burrow, Stephen,
Crompton Henrietta Matilda 1793 1881 : Letters & papers of Henrietta Matilda Crompton & her family : a list with extracts ; &, The art of Henrietta Matilda Crompton / by Stephen Allen ; edited by M.Y. Ashcroft.; Allen, Stephen.
Crompton Mary 1846 1932 : A journal of a honeymoon voyage in S.S. Great Britain / by Mary Crompton, 1866 ; edited by James Crompton, 1992.; Crompton, Mary,
Crompton Richard Active 1573 1599 Justification Of Divers Courts : Star-chamber cases : shewing what cavses properly belong to the cognizance of that court / collected for the most part out of Mr. Crompton his booke, entituled, The jurisdiction of divers courts.; Crompton, Richard,
Crompton Samuel : Samuel Crompton.; Cameron, Hector Charles.