Curriculum Evaluation Congresses : Re-interpreting curriculum research : images and arguments / edited by Geoffrey Milburn, Ivor F. Goodson, and Robert J. Clark.
Curriculum Planning California San Jose : Qualitative research methods : the interplay of ideology and social environment in the framing of explicit, implicit, and hidden curriculum in schools.; Mbuva, James M.
Curriculum Planning India : Differentiation of curricula for boys and girls : report of a committee appointed by the National Council for Women's Education.; India.
Curriculum Planning Kenya Nzaui : Qualitative research methods : the interplay of ideology and social environment in the framing of explicit, implicit, and hidden curriculum in schools.; Mbuva, James M.
Currie Donald Sir 1825 1909 : Victorian shipping, business and imperial policy : Donald Currie, the Castle Line and Southern Africa.; Porter, Andrew N.,
Cursor Mundi : The Cursor mundi : poem, texts and contexts.; Thompson, John J.,
Curtin Philip D : Africans in bondage : studies in slavery and the slave trade : essays in honor of Philip D. Curtin on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of African Studies at the University of Wisconsin / edited by Paul E. Lovejoy.
Curtis Jane : An impartial account of the tryal of Francis Smith : upon an information brought against him for printing and publishing a late book commonly known by the name of Tom Ticklefoot, &c. : as also of the tryal of Jane Curtis, upon an information brought against her for publishing and putting to sale a scandalous libel, called A satyr upon injustice, or, Scroggs upon Scroggs.; Smith, Francis,
Curtis Langley : L--gley C--s his lamentation in New-gate : who lies there in danger of his ears for printing and publishing sedition and treason, for this five years last past : a song.
Curtis Lionel : From empire to international commonwealth : a biography of Lionel Curtis.; Lavin, Deborah.
Curtis Thomas : One blow more at the Saducees and gross antichristian errors : containing a brief narrative of the most material things that passed in discourse at Kings-Heath-Meeting the 4th of October 1696 betwixt Thomas Curtis, an antient preacher among the Quakers and me, William Clarke, one that belonged to that meeting.; Clarke, William,
Curtis Thomas Active 17th Century : Something in answer to Thomas Curtis and B.C.'s reasons why the meeting-house doors were shut up at Reading; Lamboll, William.