Cyprus Foreign Relations : Cyprus : ethnic conflict and international politics : from independence to the threshold of the European Union.; Joseph, Joseph S.,
Cyprus Foreign Relations Great Britain : British Cyprus and the Long Great War, 1914-1925 [electronic resource] / empire, loyalties and democratic deficit / Andrekos Varnava.; Varnava, Andrekos,
Cyprus History 1960 : Cyprus from colonialism to the present : visions and realities : essays in honour of Robert Holland / edited by Anastasia Yiangou and Antigone Heraclidou.
Cyprus History Turkish Conquest 1570 1571 Early Works To 1800 : The history of Venice : written originally in Italian, by Paulo Paruta, Procurator of St. Mark. To which is added the Wars of Cyprus. By the same author. Wherein the famous sieges of Nicossia, and Famagosta, and battel of Lepanto are contained. Now humbly dedicated to their excellencies the ambassadors from Venice. Made English, by Henry Earl of Monmouth.; Paruta, Paolo,
Cyprus History Venetian Rule 1474 1570 Early Works To 1800 : The history of Venice : written originally in Italian, by Paulo Paruta, Procurator of St. Mark. To which is added the Wars of Cyprus. By the same author. Wherein the famous sieges of Nicossia, and Famagosta, and battel of Lepanto are contained. Now humbly dedicated to their excellencies the ambassadors from Venice. Made English, by Henry Earl of Monmouth.; Paruta, Paolo,
Cyprus Politics And Government 20th Century : The Greek Cypriot Nationalist Right in the era of British colonialism : emergence, mobilisation and transformations of right-wing party politics / Yiannos Katsourides.; Katsourides, Yiannos.