Dancers United States Exhibitions : Trisha Brown : dance and art in dialogue, 1961-2001 / Roland Aeschlimann ... [et al.] ; essays by Maurice Berger ... [et al.] ; edited by Hendel Teicher.
Dances 16th Century Early Works To 1800 : The first booke of consort lessons, : made by diuers exquisite authors, for six instruments to play together, the treble lute, the pandora, the cittern, the base-violl, the flute & treble-violl. / Newly set forth at the coast [sic] & charges of a gentle-man, for his priuate pleasure, and for diuers others his frendes which delight in musicke.
Dancing Early Works To 1800 : At the [blank] this present day shall bee showne rare dancing on the ropes, acted by His Maiesties servants, : wherein an Irish boy of eight yeares old doth vault on the high rope, the like was never seene: and one mayd of fifteene yeares of age, and another girle of foure yeares of age, doe dance on the low rope; and the said girle of foure yeares of age doth turne on the stage, and put in fourescore threds into the eye of an needle. And other rare activityes of body, as vaulting and tumbling on the stage, and egges dancing upon a staffe, with other rare varietyes of dancing, the like hath not beene seene in the realme of England. And the merry conceites of Iacke Pudding.
Dancing In Art : Siva in dance, myth and iconography.; Gaston, Anne-Marie.
Dancing Religious Aspects Early Works To 1800 : A briefe treatise, concerning the vse and abuse of dauncing. : Collected oute of the learned workes of the most excellent deaine doctour, Peter Martyr, by paister Rob Massonius: and translated into English by I.K.; Vermigli, Pietro Martire,
Dandies England Humour Early Works To 1800 : The character of a town-gallant; : exposing the extravagant fopperies of some vain self-conceited pretenders to gentility, and good breeding.
Danes Ghana History Sources : Danish sources for the history of Ghana, 1657-1754 / edited by Ole Justesen ; translated by James Manley.
Danes Ireland Early Works To 1800 : An abstract of three letters from Belfast : to a person in London. Faithfully transmitted to the view of the publick. Licensed, April 1. 1690.
Danesdale England Maps : [Pockthorpe Hall [cartographic material] : Yorkshire, East Riding 144.16].; Great Britain.
Danforth Thomas 1622 1699 : A funeral elegy humbly dedicated to the renowned memory of the honourable, Thomas Danforth Esq. of Cambridge, : sometimes deputy governour in the colony of the Massachusetts-Bay, and president of the province of main; and one of His Majesties honourable council. Judge of the superiour court in the providence of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England; who (after he had long served his generation by the will of God in several high stations) did to our inconceivable loss, but his unparallel'd gain, rest from all his labours, on the sacred day of rest, the memorable 5th of November : Anno Domini. 1699.; Danforth, John,
Dang Lao Dong Viet Nam : Trente ans du Parti de la classe ouvrière vietnamienne.; Parti communiste indochinois.
Dang Lap Hien Dong Duong : The Constitutionalist Party in Cochinchina : the years of decline, 1930-1942 / Megan Cook.; Cook, Megan.
Dangerfield Thomas 1650 1685 Tho Dangerfields Answer To A Certain S : Malice defeated: or a brief relation of the accusation and deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier, : wherein her proceedings both before and during her confinement, are particularly related, and the mystery of the meal-tub fully discovered. Together with an abstract of her arraignment and tryal, written by her self, for the satisfaction of all lovers of undisguised truth.; Cellier, Elizabeth,
Dangerous Dogs : Unleashed : the phenomena of status dogs and weapon dogs.; Harding, Simon