Delamain Richard Active 1631 Grammelogia : To the English gentrie, and all others studious of the mathematicks : which shall bee readers hereof. The just apologie of Wil: Oughtred, against the slaunderous insimulations of Richard Delamain, in a pamphlet called Grammelogia, or the mathematicall ring, or mirisica logarithmorum projectio circularis.; Oughtred, William,
Delaval Family : The gay Delavals / by Francis Askham.; Askham, Francis.
Delavall Ralph Sir 1707 : A List of the English and Dutch men of war that are appointed to guard the coasts this winter, under the command of Sir Ralph Delaval
Delaware Art Museum : Waking dreams : the art of the Pre-Raphaelites from the Delaware Art Museum / [edited by] Stephen Wildman ; with contributions by Laurel Bradley ... [et. al.].
Delegation Of Powers : Delegation of governmental power to private parties : a comparative perspective / Catherine M. Donnelly.; Donnelly, Catherine M.
Delegation Of Powers France : Government by decree : a comparative study of the history of the ordinance in English and French law / by Marguerite A. Sieghart.; Sieghart, Marguerite A.
Delegation Of Powers Great Britain : Government by decree : a comparative study of the history of the ordinance in English and French law / by Marguerite A. Sieghart.; Sieghart, Marguerite A.
Deleuze Gilles 1925 1995 Pli : Deleuze and The fold [electronic resource] : a critical reader / edited by Sjoerd van Tuinen and Niamh McDonnell.
Delgadillo De Avellaneda Bernaldino : A libell of Spanish lies : found at the sacke of Cales, discoursing the fight in the West Indies, twixt the English nauie being fourteene ships and pinasses, and a fleete of twentie saile of the king of Spaines, and of the death of Sir Francis Drake. With an answere briefely confuting the Spanish lies, and a short relation of the fight according to truth, written by Henrie Sauile Esquire, employed captaine in one of her Maiesties shippes, in the same seruice against the Spaniard. And also an approbation of this discourse, by Sir Thomas Baskeruile, then generall of the English fleete in that seruice: auowing the maintenance thereof, personally in armes against Don Bernaldino ...; Savile, Henry,
Delhi India Guidebooks : Delhi : its monuments and history / updated and annotated by Narayani Gupta and Laura Sykes ; illustrations by Ripin Kalra.; Spear, T. G. P,
Delhi India Historical Geography : Spaces of colonialism [electronic resource] : Delhi's urban governmentalities / Stephen Legg.; Legg, Stephen.
Delhi India Social Life And Customs 19th Century : The golden calm : an English lady's life in Moghul Delhi : reminiscences / by Emily, Lady Clive Bayley and by her father, Sir Thomas Metcalfe ; edited by M.M. Kaye.; Bayley, Emily,