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Demography Mathematical Models : Dynamics of growth in a finite world / Dennis L. Meadows ... [].  1974 1
Demography Methodology   2
Demography Mexico   3
Demography Netherlands   19
Demography Netherlands History : An economic and social history of the Netherlands, 1800-1920 : demographic, economic, and social transition.; Wintle, Michael J.  2000 1
Demography Pacific Area : Integration of population resources environment and development : experiences in the ESCAP region.; United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.  1983 1
Demography Pakistan   3
Demography Periodicals   2
Demography Peru : Demographic collapse : Indian Peru, 1520-1620.; Cook, Noble David.  1981 1
Demography Poland   4
Demography Research   6
Demography Russia   6
Demography Russia Domicile Internal Migration Russia Russia Domicile Demogr : Internal migration during modernization in late nineteenth-century Russia.; Anderson, Barbara A.  1980 1
Demography Singapore : A bibliography of the demography of Singapore / compiled by Saw Swee Hock and Cheng Siok Hwa.; Saw, Swee Hock.  1975 1
Demography Singapore Population Singapore   7
Demography Social Aspects Great Britain : Ethnic minorities in Great Britain : patterns of population change, 1981-91 / by David Owen.; Owen, David.  1995 1
Demography Southeast Asia History : Death and disease in Southeast Asia : explorations in social medical and demographic history / edited by Norman G. Owen.; Asian Studies Association of Australia.  1987 1
Demography Statistical Methods : Multi-state survival models for interval-censored data / Ardo van den Hout.; Hout, Ardo van den,  2017 1
Demography Sudan   2
Demography Sultanate Of Oman : Aspects of the demography of the Sultanate of Oman. co-directors and principal researchers / co-directors and principal researchers. J.S. Birks [and] C.A. Sinclair.; University of Durham. International Migration Project.  1977 1
Demography Sweden   12
Demography Thailand   16
Demography Turkey : An economic approach to differential demographic behavior in Turkey.; Lieberman, Samuel Sander.  1979 1
Demography United States   24
Demography Wales : The demography of Victorian England and Wales.; Woods, Robert.  2000 1
Demography Zambia   5
Demonaic Possession England Early Works To 1800 : A booke declaringe the fearfull vexasion, of one Alexander Nyndge, : beynge moste horriblye tormented wyth an euyll spirit. The .xx. daie of Januarie. in the yere of our Lorde, 1573. at Lyeringswell in Suffolke..; Nyndge, Edward.  1573? 1
Demoniac Possession   4
Demoniac Possession Case Studies Ireland 17th Century : The wonderfull and true relation of the bewitching a young girle in Ireland, : what way she was tormented, and a receipt of the ointment that she was cured with.; Higgs, Daniel.  1699 1
Demoniac Possession Congresses   2
Demoniac Possession Early Works To 1800   10
Demoniac Possession England Buckinghamshire Early Works To 1800 : Wonderful news from Buckinghamshire, or A perfect relation how a young maid hath been for twelve years and upwards possest with the devil; and continues to this day in a lamentable condition. : With an account of several discourses with the said evil spirit, and his answers : attested by ear-witnesss; and other strange circumstances from time to time relating thereunto. Published for the awaking and convincing of atheists and modern Sadduces, who dream that their is neither angel nor spirit. Licensed according to order.  1677 1
Demoniac Possession England Case Studies Early Works To 1800 : Strange news from Arpington near Bexly in Kent: : being a true narrative of a young maid who was possest with several devils or evil spirits, one of which, by the prayers of a pious and religious doctor, who came to visit her, was fetcht [sic] out of her body, and appear'd in the room in the likeness of a large snake, and twisted it self about the doctors neck, whilst he was at his devotion. With an account also of other devils, which yet remain in her, and reveal several strange things, the like never heard before; of which the contents within will give you a particular account. / This narrative is attested by several persons of credit, but amongst many others, by one Mrs. Hopper ...; Hopper,  1689 1
Demoniac Possession England Early Works To 1800   13
Demoniac Possession England Lancashire Early Works To 1800 : A true discourse concerning the certaine possession and dispossession of 7 persons in one familie in Lancashire, : which also may serve as part of an answere to a fayned and false discoverie which speaketh very much evill, aswell of this, as of the rest of those great and mightie workes of God which bee of the like excellent nature. / by George More, minister and preacher of the worde of God, and now (for bearing witnesse vnto this, and for iustifying the rest) a prisoner in the Clinke, where he hath continued almost for the space of two yeares..; More, George.  1600 1
Demoniac Possession Europe History : The Devil within : possession & exorcism in the Christian West / Brian Levack.; Levack, Brian P.,  2013 1
Demoniac Possession France Loudun History 17th Century : Triomphe de l'amour divin sur les puissances de l'enfer : et, Science expérimentale des choses de l'autre vie / par Michel de Certeau.; Surin, Jean-Joseph,  1990 1
Demoniac Possession Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : A strange and wonderful relation of Margaret Gurr of Tunbridge, in Kent; : shewing, how she was afflicted with devils. As also, how they entred into her, and spake in her and tempted her to kill herself; and how she was taken up by devils and witches and was flying in the ayr. Also, the marvelous cures done by Dr. Skinner in these three counties, viz. Sussex, Surrey, and Kent, the like strange cures hath scarce been done or heard of ... / Iohn Skinner, of Westram, in Kent ...; Skinner, John,  1684 1
Demoniac Possession History : La possession de Loudun / présentée par Michel de Certeau.  1990 1
Demoniac Possession Lancashire England Early Works To 1800 : A true discourse concerning the certaine possession and dispossessio[n] of 7 persons in one familie in Lancashire : which also may serve as part of an answere to a fayned and false discouerie which speaketh very much evill, aswell of this, as of the rest of those great and mightie workes of God which be of the like excellent nature. By George More, minister and preacher of the worde of God, and now (for bearing witnesse vnto this, and for iustifying the rest) a prisoner in the Clinke, where he hath co[n]tinued almost for the space of two yeares.; More, George.  1600 1
Demoniac Possession Scotland Early Works To 1800 : A true narrative of the sufferings and relief of a young girle; strangely molested, by evil spirits and their instruments, in the west : collected from authentick testimonies there-anent. With a preface and post-script containing reflections on what is most material or curious; either in the history, or trial of the seven witches who were condemn'd to be execute in that countrey.; Cullen, Francis Grant,  1698 1
Demonic Literature : Late Egyptian wisdom literature in the international context : a study of Demotic instructions.; Lichtheim, Miriam.  1983 1
Demonic Possession England Early Works To 1800 : A strange but true narrative of the delusion of the devil at a late Quakers meeting, on one John Thurston. : How he was seduced to turn Quaker, and possessed by an evil spirit and of a tempation he had to cut his own throat, and how he was preserved therefrom and several passages which happen'd to him in the time of his delusion / attested to by Mr. William Robinson.; Robinson, William,  1678 1
Demonology   29
Demonology America History : Puritan conquistadors : iberianizing the Atlantic, 1550-1700 / Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra.; Cañizares-Esguerra, Jorge.  2006 1
Demonology Buddhist   2
Demonology Case Studies : The Amityville horror / Jay Anson.; Anson, Jay,  c1977 1
Demonology Christian Theology   7
Demonology Controversial Literature Early Works To 1800 : Betoverde wereld. English; Bekker, Balthasar,  1700 1
Demonology Early Works To 1800   26
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