Desertion Military Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, captain general and governor in chief of Their Majesties province of New-York ... A proclamation : Whereas I am given to understand that sundry souldiers and marriners have deserted Their Majesties service ... / Given under my hand and seal at Fort William Henry, the thirteenth day of November, 1693. ... Ben. Fletcher.; New York (Colony).
Desertion Military Law And Legislation England : An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament enabling commissioners in several counties to execute marshall law upon all such persons as run away from their colours; England and Wales.
Desertion Military Law And Legislation Great Britain : Resolved upon the question by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament : that they do declare that no officer or souldier of the army ... shall leave the army without the particular licence and discharge of the generall.; England and Wales.
Desertion Military Massachusetts Early Works To 1800 : By His Excellency the governour. : Whereas it hath been of absolute necessity, that a certain number of men should be impressed, for the service of Their Majesties, in defence of this their province, both a sea and Land, against the common enemy. And that some persons imployed therein, have passed the bounds of their duty, and my order, by putting the same in execution in a violent and disorderly manner, to the great grievance of Their Majesties good subjects.; Massachusetts.
Desertion Naval Great Britain : By the King : a proclamation for His Maiesties better seruice, either at sea, or land.; England and Wales.
Desertion Naval Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, captain general and governor in chief of Their Majesties province of New-York ... A proclamation : Whereas I am given to understand that sundry souldiers and marriners have deserted Their Majesties service ... / Given under my hand and seal at Fort William Henry, the thirteenth day of November, 1693. ... Ben. Fletcher.; New York (Colony).
Desertion Naval Great Britain Sources : A declaration, whereas we have been given to understand, that several untrue and groundless reports, have been of late industriously spread among the seamen of the fleet; William
Design Austria Vienna History 20th Century Exhibitions : Koloman Moser : designing modern Vienna, 1897-1907 / edited by Christian Witt-Dorring ; with preface by Ronald S. Lauder ; foreword by Renee Price ; and contributions by Rainald Franz, Ernst Ploil, Elisabeth Schmuttermeier, Janis Staggs, Angela Völker, and Christian Witt-Dörring.
Design Awards : D&AD09 : the best advertising and design in the world / British Design & Art Direction ; introduction by Tim O'Kennedy.; British Design & Art Direction (Association)
Design Economic Aspects Great Britain : The tyranny of taste : the politics of architecture and design in Britain 1550-1960 / Jules Lubbock.; Lubbock, Jules,