Detectives : Investigating murder : detective work and the police response to criminal homicide.; Innes, Martin.
Detectives England History 19th Century : The ascent of the detective : police sleuths in Victorian and Edwardian England / Haia Shpayer-Makov.; Shpayer-Makov, Haia.
Detectives England History 20th Century : The ascent of the detective : police sleuths in Victorian and Edwardian England / Haia Shpayer-Makov.; Shpayer-Makov, Haia.
Detectors Congresses : Kinematic and dynamic issues in sensor based control : proceedings of the NATO advanced research workshop ... Il Ciocco, Italy, October 25-31, 1987 / edited by G.E. Taylor.; NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Kinematic and Dynamic Issues in Sensor Based Control
Detectors Materials : Materials for smart systems II : sympsoium held Dec. 2-5, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A / editors, Easo P. George ... [et al.].
Detente Research : Definitions and measurement of détente : east and west perspectives / edited by D. Frei.
Detention Of Person England Early Works To 1800 : Die Lunæ, 3. Ianuar. 1641. It is this day ordered upon the question, by the Commons House of Parliament; : that if any persons whatsoever, shall come to the lodgings of any member of his House, and there doe offer to seale the trunkes, doores or papers of any members of this House, or to seize upon their persons; ...; England and Wales.
Detention Of Persons Barbados Early Works To 1800 : Englands slavery, or Barbados merchandize; : represented in a petition to the high court of Parliament, by Marcellus Rivers and Oxenbridge Foyle gentlemen, on behalf of themselves and three-score and ten more free-born Englishmen sold (uncondemned) into slavery: together with letters written to some honourable members of Parliament.; Rivers, Marcellus.
Detention Of Persons England London Early Works To 1800 : To the hon.ble the House of Commons assembled in high court of Parliament, : the humble and base petition of Thomas Cullion alias Cullum, alderman of the city of London.; Cullion, Thomas.
Detention Of Persons Greece : A - Case of Kefalas and others v. Greece : judgment of 8 June 1995 : B - Case of Kampanis v. Greece : judgment of 13 July 1995.; European Court of Human Rights.