Docks England London Early Works To 1800 : To the Right Honourable the Commissioners of Sewers, assigned to preserve the walls and other defences within the limits extending from Chelsey in the county of Midd. to the city of Westm. and from thence to Temple-barr, &c. : The humble remonstrance of the land-owners, and inhabitants of the New Palace, Long Wool-staple, Round Wool-staple, Canon Row, Stephens Alley, and part of Kings Street VVestminster, persons only concerned in the prejudice and damage by the late dock in the Long VVooll-staple,.
Docks England Middlesbrough : Handbook of shipping facilities at Middlesbrough through T.A. Bulmer & Co. : giving ports to which shipments can be made from Middlesbrough, both by the direct sailings and with transhipment / edited by A.C. Bulmer.; T.A. Bulmer & Company.
Docks Scotland History : From Esk to Tweed : harbours, ships and men of the east coast of Scotland.; Lenman, Bruce.
Docks Singapore : The Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, 1864-1905.; Bogaars, George.
Docks South Africa Simons Town Cape Of Good Hope : The changing shore : a history of the West Dockyard, Simon's Town, 1743-1996 / by S.A. Myers ; edited and published by the Naval Heritage Trust.; Myers, S. A.
Docks Wales Cardiff Pictorial Works : Below the bridge : a photo-historical survey of Cardiff's docklands to 1983 / Catherine Evans, Steve Dodsworth, Julie Barnett.; Evans, Catherine.
Docks Wales Swansea : History of the port of Swansea.; Jones, William Henry.
Docksey Robert 1704 : Ralph Docksey, Gent. son and heir of Robert Docksey, Gent. deceased. Appell' Elizabeth Docksey, widow, and executrix of the said Robert Docksey resp. : The respondent's case.; Docksey, Elizabeth.
Dockwra William : An Advertisement of the behalf of William Dockwra, mercht., concerning the penny-post