Drainage England Cambridgeshire : An explanation of the drayning workes which have beene lately made for the Kings Maiestie in Cambridge shire by the direction of Sir Cornelius Virmuden : wherein is discovered how the said Sir Cornelius hath abused the Kings Maiestie and many of his loving subjects / written by Andrewes Burrell.; Burrell, Andrewes.
Drainage England Ealry Works To 1800 : The grieved country-mans complaint. : Heare o ye heavens and hearken ye inhabitants of the Earth, you will stand astonished and amazed to heare the wonders and miracles I shall declare unto you! Yet they are not so strange as true.
Drainage England Fens Early Works To 1800 : Reasons, humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament; against the passing a bill, intituled An act for incorporating the undertakers for the dreining Deeping Fen.
Drainage England Fens The : Laws, ordinances and decrees made upon Friday the twentieth day of July, 1666, and in the eighteenth year of the reign of our sovereign lord, Charles the Second ... / by the right Honourable John, Lord Berkley, Richard, Lord Gorges, Thomas Chicheley, and Robert Hampson, Esq., four of the bailiffs of the Corporation of the Great Level of the Fens; John Russel, Esq., Sir Charles Harbord Kt., William Denton, Doctor in Physick, William Crane, Roger Jenyns, and John Bradborn, esquires, six of the conservators of the said corporation.; Corporation of the Great Level of the Fens.
Drainage England Fens The Early Works To 1800 : Reasons humbly offered, why the bill brought in by the adventurers in the fenns should not passe before the adjournment of the Parliament.
Drainage England History : Plantations on mediaeval rigg and furr cultivation strips : a study in Scoreby Wood, York East Forest.; Booth, T. C.
Drainage France Normandy History : The fruits of revolution : property rights, litigation, and French agriculture, 1700-1860.; Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent.
Drainage Great Britain : Report / Water Space Amenity Commission, Conservation and Land Drainage Working Party.; Water Space Amenity Commission.
Drake Francis Sir 1637 : The history of Sr Francis Drake. : Exprest by instrumentall and vocall musick, and by art of perspective in scenes, &c. The first part. Represented daily at the Cockpit in Drury-Lane, at three afternoon punctually.; D'Avenant, William,
Drake James 1667 1707 : The tryal and examination of Dr. William Drake, : on Wednesday the 6th of November, at the Queen's Bench-Bar, Westminster, for writing a scandalous and seditious libel, intituled Mercurius Politicus.; Drake, James,
Drake Sirhfrancis 1540 1596 : Sir Francis Drake revived. Who is or may be a pattern to stirre up all heroicke and active spirits of these times, to benefit their countrey and eternize their names by like noble attempts. Being a summary and true relation of foure severall voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West-Indies. Viz. His dangerous adventuring for gold and silver with the gaining thereof. And the surprizing of Nombre de dios by himselfe and two and fifty men. His encompassing the world. His voyage made with Chistopher Carleill, Martin Frobusher, Francis Knollis, and others. Their taking the townes of Saint Jago, Sancto Domingo, Carthagena and Saint Augustine. His last voyage (in which he dyed) being accompanied with Sir John Hawkins, Sir Thomas Baskerfield, Sir Nicholas Clifford, with others. His manner of buriall. Collected out of the notes of the said Sir Francis Drake, Mastet [sic] Philip Nichols, Master Francis Fletcher, preachers, and notes of divers other gentlemen (who went on the said voyages) carefully compared together.
Drake Sylvia 1784 1868 : Charity and Sylvia : a same-sex marriage in early America / Rachel Hope Cleves.; Cleves, Rachel Hope,
Drama 15th And 16th Centuries Catalogues : A true, perfect, and exact catalogue of all the comedies, tragedies, tragi-comedies, pastorals, masques and interludes, that were ever yet printed and published, till this present year 1671 : all which you may either buy or sell, at the shop of Francis Kirkman, in Thames-Street, over against the Custom House, London.; Kirkman, Francis,
Drama 16th Century History And Criticism Congresses : Prédication et performance du XIIe au XVIe siècle : [actes du colloque international, Paris, Fondation Singer-Polignac, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 23 et 24 juin 2011] / études réunies par Marie Bouhaïk-Gironès, Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu.
Drama 17th Century : The Queen, or the excellency of her sex. : An excellent old play. Found out by a person of honour, and given to the publisher, Alexander Goughe.
Drama 17th Century Catalogues : A true, perfect, and exact catalogue of all the comedies, tragedies, tragi-comedies, pastorals, masques and interludes, that were ever yet printed and published, till this present year 1671 : all which you may either buy or sell, at the shop of Francis Kirkman, in Thames-Street, over against the Custom House, London.; Kirkman, Francis,