Dwellings Social Aspects : About the house : Levi-Strauss and beyond / edited by Janet Carsten and Stephen Hugh-Jones.
Dwellings Social Aspects England : The place of home : English domestic environments, 1914-2000 / Alison Ravetz with Richard Turkington.; Ravetz, Alison.
Dwellings South America : About the house : Levi-Strauss and beyond / edited by Janet Carsten and Stephen Hugh-Jones.
Dyce William 1806 1864 : William Dyce, 1806-1864 : a critical biography.; Pointon, Marcia R.
Dycer David : The contention betwyxte Churchyeard and Camell, vpon Dauid Dycers dreame : sette out in suche order, that it is bothe wyttye and profytable for all degryes. Rede this littell comunication betwene Churchyarde: Camell: and others mo newlye imprinted and sett furthe for thy profyt gentill reader.; Churchyard, Thomas,
Dyck Anthony Van 1599 1641 Studies : Van Dyck, 1599-1641 / Christopher Brown, Hans Vlieghe ; with contributions from Frans Baudouin ... [et al.].; Brown, Christopher,
Dye Industry Germany History : Knowledge and competitive advantage : the coevolution of firms, technology, and national institutions / Johann Peter Murmann.; Murmann, Johann Peter,
Dye Industry Great Britain History : Knowledge and competitive advantage : the coevolution of firms, technology, and national institutions / Johann Peter Murmann.; Murmann, Johann Peter,
Dye Industry United States History : Knowledge and competitive advantage : the coevolution of firms, technology, and national institutions / Johann Peter Murmann.; Murmann, Johann Peter,
Dyer James Sir 1512 1582 : A remembraunce of the precious vertues of the right honourable and reuerend iudge, Sir Iames Dier, Knight, Lord cheefe Iustice of the Common Pleas : who disseased at great Stawghton, in Huntingdon shire, the 24. of Marche, anno. 1582. The reporte of George VVhetstons, gent.; Whetstone, George,
Dyer John In Winchester Yard : A true relation of the dreadful ghost appearing to one John Dyer in VVinchester Yard : near St. Mary Ovres in Southwarke; taken to be the spirit of his late wife Jane Dyer, who departed this life some time since, with an account of the affrightful shapes, and its pursuing him from place to place. Likewise is added another account of the penitent murtherer, Robert Congden, who was executed in Brook-street, near Ratclif-Cross, and afterwards hung up in chains between Mile-End and Bow.
Dyer Mary 1660 : A call from death to life : and out of the dark wayes and worships of the world where the seed is held in bondage under the merchants of Babylon / written by Marmaduke Stephenson, who (together with ... William Robinson) hath (since the writing hereof) suffered death, for bearing witnesse to the same truth amongst the professors of Bostons jurisdiction in New England ; with a true copy of two letters, which they writ to the Lords people a little before their death ; and also the true copy of a letter ... from a friend in New England, which gives a brief relation of the manner of their martyrdom, with some of the words which they exprest at the time of their suffering.; Stephenson, Marmaduke,
Dyes And Dyeing Europe History To 1500 : The craft of lymmyng and the maner of steynyng : Middle English recipes for painters, stainers, scribes, and illuminators / edited by Mark Clarke.