Early Printed Books England Bibliography Catalogues Early Works To 1800 : A catalogue of the library of Ralph Hough, Esq; : consisting of the best theological, historical, philogical, medicinal and mathematical authors, in the gr. lat. Span. Ital. Fr. and Engl. tongues, in all volumes. Besides a collection of lexicographers and grammarians, in almost all the Oriental and European languages. Wich will be sold by auction at Tom's coffee-house adjoyning to Ludgate, on Tuesday the 16th instant, and the following days at 3 afternoon / by J. Bullord.; Hough, Ralph.
Early Printed Books Exhibitions : Manuscript to print : tradition and innovation in the Renaissance book / by A. I. Doyle, Elizabeth Rainey, & D. B. Wilson; Doyle, A. I.
Early Printed Books Scotland Bibliography Union Lists : A list of books printed in Scotland before 1700 : including those printed furth of the realm for Scottish booksellers, with brief notes on the printers and stationers.; Aldis, Harry Gidney.
Early Printed Works Early Works To 1800 : A co[m]parison betwene the olde learnynge [and] the newe : translated out of latin in Englysh by Wylliam Turner.; Rhegius, Urbanus,
Early Years Education : Index for inclusion : developing learning, participation and play in early years and childcare / Tony Booth and Mel Ainscow ; adapted for early years and childcare: Tony Booth and Denise Kingston.; Booth, Tony,
Earth Figure : The Measure of the earth : being an account of several observations made for that purpose by divers members of the Royal Academy of Science at Paris / translated out of the French by Richard Waller, fellow of the Royal Society.
Earth First Organization : Earth First! and the anti-roads movement : radical environmentalism and comparative social movements.; Wall, Derek.
Earth History : The Earth : an intimate history / Richard Fortey.; Fortey, R. A.
Earth In Literature : Hollow Earth : the long and curious history of imagining strange lands, fantastical creatures, advanced civilizations, and marvelous machines below the Earth's surface / David Standish.; Standish, David.
Earth Movements Congresses : Stresses, slow deformations and fractures in the earth : proceedings of the IASPEI/IAG/AGA/IAVCE symposium held at the 15th IUGG General Assembly, Moscow, August, 1971 / edited by P. Molnar, F. Press and Yu.V. Riznichenko.
Earth Origin Early Works To 1800 : A vindication of the new theory of the earth from the exceptions of Mr. Keill and others. : With an historical preface of the occasions of the discoveries therein contain'd: and some corrections and additions.; Whiston, William,
Earth Photographs From Space : Britain from space : an atlas of Landsat images / R.K. Bullard and R.W. Dixon-Gough.; Bullard, R.K.