England And Wales Anno Regni Caroli Ii Regis Angliae Scotiae Franciae And H : A ponderation upon certain branches and partes of an Act of free and general pardon, indempnity and oblivion granted anno Regni Caroli 2 : Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ 12. at the Parliament begun at Westminster the 25 of April anno Dni. 1660. With a discourse of F.W.P. by way of premonition to the reader of the said ponderation.
England And Wales Armed Forces : An order and declaration of His Highness the Lord Protector, with the advice of his council, : for an assessment of threescore thousand pounds by the moneth, for six moneths, for and towards the maintenance of the armies and navies of this Commonwealth. Thursday February 8. 1654.; England and Wales.
England And Wales Army Appropriations And Expenditures Ireland Early Works : By the King: A declaration. For the better government of the army. James R. : Whereas we are informed that some disputes did arise between our paymaster-general and the officers of our horse and dragoons, and also between the said officers and the inhabitants of the countrey where our troops are quartered, ...; England and Wales.
England And Wales Army Council A Declaration Of His Excellency Sir Thomas F : An engagement of the Lords and Commons that went to the Army, : with their names thereunto subscribed; some of which sate in the House in the Speakers absence. Together with two queries. I. Whether this is not of more dangerous consequence than the cities engagement. II. Whether it makes not those that subscribed it, pre-ingaged parties, and incom[p]e[t]ent judges of the questioned and imprisoned members and citizens.; England and Wales.
England And Wales Army Council A Particular Charge Or Impeachment In The Na : A full vindication and ansvver of the XI. accused members; : viz. Denzill Holles, Esq; Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir William Lewis, Sir John Clotworthy, Sir William Waller, Sir Iohn Maynard Kts Major Gen. Massey, Iohn Glynne Esq; Recorder of London. Walter Long Esquire Col. Edward Harley, Anthony Nichols Esq to a late printed pamphlet intituled, A particular charge or impeachment, in the name of Sir Thomas Fairfax and the army under his command; against the said members, by his appointment and the Councel of War.; Prynne, William,
England And Wales Army Council Particular Charge Or Impeachment In The Name : A brief iustification of the XI. accused members, : from a scandalous libel, stiled A particular charge and impeachment, in the name of Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the army under him: newly printed and published to defame them. Wherein the apparent falshood and malice of some of the most materiall charges, is demonstrated to the world, for the present; till the rest be fully cleared in time by themselves, to the eternal infamy of the fals accusers, not any of them as yet daring to own and make good the generall or particular charge, in their own names under their hands, as by law they ought.; Prynne, William,
England And Wales Army Council Remonstrance Of His Excelency And The Army U : Justice upon the armie remonstrance, or, A rebuke of that evill spirit that leads them in their counsels and actions : with a discovery of the contrariety and enmity in their waies, to the good spirit and minde of God / by William Sedgwick.; Sedgwick, William,
England And Wales Army Declaration Of The Army Of England Upon Their March : A short reply unto a declaration, entituled, The declaration of the Army of England, upon their march into Scotland. : Together with a vindication of The declaration of the Army of England upon their march into Scotland, from the uncharitable constructions, odious imputations, and scandalous aspersions of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, in their reply thereunto. Published by the special appointment of the Councel of State.
England And Wales Army Humble Remonstrance From His Excellency Sir Thomas F : The recoyle of ill-cast and ill-charged ordinances· Or, A preparative to some further intended discourses of the seditious impiety of the late remonstrance of the Army, contayning some generall observations thereupon. : Displaying the wonderfull judgement of God in returning the mischiefes of this present rebellion, upon the authors and contrivers thereof, and advising to a timely prevention of further calamities: / by a faithfull subject to the King, and lover of his country.; Faithfull subject to the King, and lover of his country.
England And Wales Army Overtons Regiment : The humble remonstrance and resolves of Col. Overtons regiment in his Excellencies garrison of Hull; / subscribed by the officers in the name of themselves and their souldiers, and presented to His Excellency the Lord General Fairfax. Wherein is remonstrated their integrity to their trust, and their own vindication against the late aspersions cast on them, as if they had declared for Thompson's party, and other late irregular actings. Together with Colonel Overton's letter to the General.; England and Wales.
England And Wales Army Pay Allowances Etc Ireland Early Works To 1800 : By the King: a proclamation. For the better government of the army. James R. : Whereas we think it may very much conduce to our service, and the good government of our army, that not only every individual soldier may know what he is to receive by our allowance, ...; England and Wales.
England And Wales Army Royal Artillery Company Of London : Londons Artillery : briefly containing the noble practise of that wothie [sic] societie: with the moderne and ancient martiall exercises, natures of armes, vertue of magistrates, antiquitie, glorie and chronography of this honourable cittie. By R.N. Oxon.; Niccols, Richard,
England And Wales Attorney General 1681 1687 Sawyer : The City of Londons rejoinder, to Mr. Attorney General's replication in the Quo warranto brought by him against their charter. : Wherein they plead, that I. By prescription they have a right, 1. To appoint, alter, and change [t]he markets within the City from one place to another. 2. To regulate markets and to ascertain tolls and prisages, which were levied as well upon freemen as un-freemen. They also plead, II. That upon serious consideration had of the proceedings of the late damnable Popish-Plot by them mentioned for the destruction of the Kings most sacred person, the extirpation of the Protestant religion, and the subversion of the civil-government, the Common Council out of their great zeal and loyalty to the King, agreed to the petition incerted [sic] in Mr. Attorney-General's said replication.
England And Wales Certain Merchandizes Not Lawful To Be Brought Ready Wroug : Die Mercurii, 21. Octobr. 1646. Committee of Navy and Customs appointed by Parliament. : An order to the commissioners and officers of the custom-house of the port of London, and all other the commissioners and officers of any the out ports in this realm of England and dominion of Wales, for the putting in execution of the act made in Anno 3. of Edward the 4. (intituled) Certain merchandizes not lawful to be brought ready wrought into this realm, touching combs (into all) and of all other acts and laws in that case provided.; England and Wales.