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England And Wales Office Of The Revels   2
England And Wales Ordinance Of The Lords And Commons At Westminster After A : Observations upon the ordinance of the Lords and Commons at Westminster : after advice had with their Assembly of Divines for the ordination of ministers pro tempore, according to their directory for ordination and rules for examination therein expressed, die Mercurii 2 Octob., 1644.; Boughen, Edward,  1645? 1
  England And Wales Ordnance Office -- See England and Wales. Board of Ordnance
England And Wales Palriament : The humble petition of the Lord Major, aldermen, and commons of the City of London, in Common-Councell assembled, : presented to the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled: with the answer of the Lords to the said petition.; City of London (England).  1648 1
  England And Wales Parliament -- 2 Related Subjects   2
England And Wales Parliament   2438
England And Wales Parliament Act For A Grant To Their Majesties Of An Aid O : To [blank] being by us approved and appointed collectors for the [blank] within the [blank] of the moneys payable to Their Majesties : by vertue of an Act of this present Parliament, intituled, An act for a grant to Their Majesties of an aid of twelve pence in the pound for one year for the necessary defence of their realms.  1689 1
England And Wales Parliament Act For Laying An Imposition Upon Coals Toward : An act for continuance of the imposition upon coals, towards the building and maintaining ships for garding the seas; England and Wales.  1652 1
England And Wales Parliament Act For The Speedie And Effectual Reducing Of : Anno regni Caroli Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo septimo. : At the Parliament begun at Westminster the third day of November, Anno Dom. 1640. In the 16. yeer of the reign of our most gracious soveraign Lord, Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. An act to inable corporations and bodies politique to participate of the benefit of an Act lately passed, entituled, An act for the speedie and effectual reducing of the rebells in his Majesties kingdom of Ireland to their due obedience ot his Majestie, and the Crown of England.; England and Wales.  1641 1
England And Wales Parliament Act For The Speedie And Effectuall Reducing Of : Anno regni Caroli Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo octavo. : At the Parliament begun at Westminster, the third day of November, Anno Dom. 1640. In the 16 yeer of the reign of our most gracious soveraign Lord, Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. An act for adding unto and explaining of certain clauses in another Act made this Parliament, entituled, An act for the speedie and effectuall reducing of the rebells in his Majesties kingdom of Ireland to their due obedience to his Majestie and the Crown of England.; England and Wales.  1642 1
England And Wales Parliament An Act For The Encouraging And Increasing Of S : At the court at Hampton-Court, June 29. 1662. : Whereas by an Act of Parliament in the twelfth year of his Majesties reign, entituled, An act for the encouraging and increasing of shipping and navigation of this nation...; England and Wales.  1662 1
England And Wales Parliament Army   2
England And Wales Parliament Articles Exhibited In Parliament Against Maste : An answer to a printed paper : entituled Articles exhibited in Parliament. Against Mr. John Squier, viccar of Saint Leonard Shoreditch. August 7. 1641.; Squire, John,  1641 1
England And Wales Parliament Bills 1653   2
England And Wales Parliament Bills 1668 1700 : Reasons for the bill for regulating the six clerks office in Chancery, with an answer to the six clerks case  1701 1
England And Wales Parliament Certain Propositions Of Both Houses Of Parliam : His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects occasioned by a false and scandalous imputation laid upon His Majesty of an intention of raising or leavying war against his Parliament and of having raised force to that end : also His Majesties declaration and profession together with that of the Lords and others of his councell there present, disavowing any preparations or intentions of leavying war against His two Houses of Parliament.; England and Wales.  1642 1
England And Wales Parliament Commissioners For Indempnity   3
England And Wales Parliament Committe For Corporations : A nevv-yeers-gift for England, and all her cities, ports, and corporations, and all such therein who are fit for the same, and desire it. Or, A gift of God to the wise, this new yeer 1653 to make them a free Commonweatlh, if that they pursue therein. : It being a caveat to the reserved, unconstant, ambodextrous engagers with this Commonwealth and present government, who being unstable in all their ways, and are burthenous thereunto. Also, an incitement to the commonalty & free-born people of England, ... Here is also added two letters which have relation or dependence on the Parliaments order, and a letter sent to the several companies of London ....; Burt, Nathaniel,  1653 1
England And Wales Parliament Committee For Compounding With Delinquents   3
England And Wales Parliament Committee For Sequestration Of Delinquents Est   18
England And Wales Parliament Committee For Sequestration Or Delinquents Est : Die Martis, Aug. 27. 1644. : It is this day ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that Master Speaker shall have power to grant passes to such as shall desire to come in, ...; England and Wales.  1645 1
England And Wales Parliament Committee For Sequestrations : An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: directing the payment of all duties upon the revenue to be made to the severall receivers, appointed, or to be appointed. : Die Sabbathi, 23. Decemb. 1643..; England and Wales.  1643 1
England And Wales Parliament Committee Of Plundred Ministers : A declaration of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, against George Lord Goring, : for levying war against the Parliament and Kingdom, in taking up arms in Kent and Essex. Also three orders, the first, an order of the Commons in Parliament assembled, for putting the Militia in the several counries [sic] in execution for the safety of their counties. The second, an order of both Houses, for taking away the Court of Wards. The third, giving power to the Committee of Plundred Ministers, to commit such Churchwardens as shall countenance & set up Delinquent Ministers to preach. Together with an ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, for payment of tythes. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Declaration be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.; England and Wales.  1648 1
England And Wales Parliament Committee Of The Army : The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, do hereby order and declare, that all commissioners of the admiralty and navy, the committee for the army, the commissioners for appeals and regulation of excise and customs ....; England and Wales.  1660 1
England And Wales Parliament Committee Of The Militia : Die Mercurii 3. April. 1644. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, for the incouragement and security of all such well-affected persons as shall forthwith advance any summes of money, : to enable the Committee of the Militia, speedily to send forth and maintaine a considerable number of horse and foot, for the pursute of that great victory which Almighty God hath given the Parliament forces, under command of Sir William Waller, and Sir William Belfore..; England and Wales.  1644 1
England And Wales Parliament Committee Of The Navy   3
England And Wales Parliament Copie Of The Petition Of Both Houses Of Parlia   2
England And Wales Parliament Declaration Of Both Houses Of Parliament : His Majesties answer by vvay of declaration to a printed paper, entitluled, A declaratin of both Houses of Parliament, in answer to His Majesties last message concerning the militia; England and Wales.  1642 1
England And Wales Parliament Declaration Of The Commons Of England Expressi : Full answer to an infamous and traitorous pamphlet. Latin; Clarendon, Edward Hyde,  1648 1
England And Wales Parliament Declaration Of The Kingdomes Of England And Sc : A briefe ansvver to a book called The declaration of the kingdomes of England and Scotland / sent in a letter from a Member of the House of Commons.; Member of the House of Commons.  1644 1
England And Wales Parliament Declaration Of The Lords And Commons Assembled : A True and faithfull relation of the besieging of the towne of Manchester in Lancashire upon Saturday the 24. of September : together with the manner of the severall skirmishes and passages betwixt the Earle of Derby the besieger with his 4500 men, and the souldiers in the town being only 1000. or thereabout : also a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament to the inhabitants of the said towne : and lastly, the manner of the raising of the said siege, having continued untill Saturday the 1. of October, as it was credibly represented unto the House of Commons from a godly minister, in the said towne, and appointed to be printed and published.  1642 1
England And Wales Parliament Declaration Of The Parliament Of England Upon : A declaration of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland : in answer to a declaration intituled, A declaration of the Parliament of England, upon the marching of their armie into Scotland...; Church of Scotland.  1650 1
England And Wales Parliament Declaration Or Remonstrance Of The Lords And C   3
England And Wales Parliament Elections Early Works To 1800 : The case of William Adderley esq; : duly elected a burgess to serve in Parliament for the burrough of New Windsor in the county of Berks. Sir Christopher Wren, Henry Powle esq; William Adderly esq; competitors.; Adderley, William.  1688 1
England And Wales Parliament Honorable The Grand Committee For Trade : A true relation of an imposition layed by the late king upon the manufactures of gold & silver-wyer : to be used in the making of gold & silver thred, &c. : Which was voted by the grand Committee of Parliament to be a monopoly. / Written by one that was well acquainted with all the proceedings. ; Published by D.T. a lover of truth.; D. T.  1657 1
  England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons -- 2 Related Subjects   2
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons   336
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Act For Increase Of Shipping : To the right honourable the knights, cittizens, and burgesses assembled in Parliament. : The humble petition of the captains, commanders, and owners of English shipping, and other sea-faring men of this nation.  1659? 1
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Articles Of The Commons Assem : The speech or declaration of John Pymm, esq. to the Lords of the upper House upon the delivery of the Articles of the Commons assembled in Parliament against William Lavd archbishop of Canterbury : in maintenance of their accusation whereby he stands charged of high treason : together with a true copie of the said articles.; Pym, John,  1641 1
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Committee Of Sequestrations : Resolved, &c., that the Committee of Sequestrations in the severall counties due returne to the committee at Goldsmiths-Hall all the names of papists and delinquents which are, or have been sequestred by them respectively in their several counties ...; England and Wales.  1646 1
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Declaration Of The Commons Of   3
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Declaration Or Remonstrance : By the King : a proclamation prohibiting the publishing, dispersing and reading of a declaration or remonstrance, drawen by some committees of the Commons-House of the late dissolued Parliament, and intended to haue beene preferred by them to His Maiestie.; England and Wales.  1626 1
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Grand Remonstrance : His Maiesties declaration to all his loving svbiects : published with the advice of his Privie Councell.; England and Wales.  1641 1
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Petition Of The House Of Comm : His Majesties answer to the petition which accompainied the declaration of the House of Commons : presented to him at Hampton Court the first of December, 1641.; England and Wales.  1641 1
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Proceedings 1641   2
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Proceedings 1641 09 : Sions joy : A sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, at their publique thanksgiving, September 7. 1641. For the peace concluded between England and Scotland. By Jeremiah Burroughs. Published by order of the said House.; Burroughs, Jeremiah,  1641 1
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Proceedings 1641 12 : His Maiesties declaration, to all his loving subiects : published with the advice of his Privie Councell.; England and Wales.  1641 1
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Protestation By The Parliamen : Certaine queries of some tender conscienced christians : about the late protestation commended to them by the House of Commons now assembled in the high and honourable court of Paliament [sic] : wherein they desire to bee resolved concerning / written by a Learned Divine.; Learned divine.  1641 1
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Reasons Of The House Of Commo   2
  England And Wales Parliament House Of Lords -- 2 Related Subjects   2
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