Epitaphs Belgium Early Works To 1800 : Collectio monumentorum, rerumque maxime insignium, Belgii fæderati; : e templ. & locis pub. urbium & academ. a primordiis reipub. hucusque deducta, qualis nunquam antehac divulgata: exhibens monumenta multa goriosissima, læsæ libertatis, at fortissime assertæ; et in ejusdaem assertione, victoriarum ac triumphorum; ut & imperatorum, et archithalassor. Heroumque aliorum, beatæ memoriæ, patr. libertatis resistutor . & tutorum: nec non alia, virorum quavis honoris specie eminentissimorum, tam indigenarum quam exterorum; multasque historias monumenta illustrantes, casus extraoridinarios, & res curiosas. Carmina & cætera Belgica Latine reddita. / Per Phileleutherum Timareten [pseud. of T. J. van Almeloveen].; Almeloveen, Theodoor Jansson ab,
Epitaphs In Literature : Quoting death in early modern England : the poetics of epitaphs beyond the tomb / Scott L. Newstok.; Newstok, Scott L.,
Epitaphs Italy Early Works To 1800 : Epitaphia et inscriptiones lugubres. A Gulielmo Berchero, cum in Italia, animi causa, peregrinaretur, collecta; Barker, William,
Epitaphs Netherlands Early Works To 1800 : Collectio monumentorum, rerumque maxime insignium, Belgii fæderati; : e templ. & locis pub. urbium & academ. a primordiis reipub. hucusque deducta, qualis nunquam antehac divulgata: exhibens monumenta multa goriosissima, læsæ libertatis, at fortissime assertæ; et in ejusdaem assertione, victoriarum ac triumphorum; ut & imperatorum, et archithalassor. Heroumque aliorum, beatæ memoriæ, patr. libertatis resistutor . & tutorum: nec non alia, virorum quavis honoris specie eminentissimorum, tam indigenarum quam exterorum; multasque historias monumenta illustrantes, casus extraoridinarios, & res curiosas. Carmina & cætera Belgica Latine reddita. / Per Phileleutherum Timareten [pseud. of T. J. van Almeloveen].; Almeloveen, Theodoor Jansson ab,
Epithalamia Scotland Early Works To 1800 : Epithalamium on the auspicious match, betwixt the right honourable the Earl of Wigtoun and the truly vertous lasy Margaret Lindsay : daughter to the right honourable the Ear of Balcarros.; A. B.
Eposcopacy Early Works To 1800 : The religion of Protestants a safe way to salvation:, or, An answer to a book entituled Mercy and truth, or, Charity maintained by Catholicks : which pretends to prove the contrary. : Together with the apostolical institution of episcopacy. As also, IX Sermons, the first preached before His Majesty King Charles the First, the other eight upon special and eminent occasions / by William Chillingworth.; Chillingworth, William,
Epperstone England Maps : [Nottinghamshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SK 64 NE.; Great Britain.
Epworth England History Early Works To 1800 : To the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland & Ireland : the case and proceedings of at least 60 gentlemen, participants and purchasers for valuable consideration of lands, in the levell of Hatfield Chace, the counties of York, Lincoln, and Nottingham, and more than 200 of their tenants who have been despoiled of their estates by the inhumane and barbarous riots of the inhabitants of the mannor of Epworth, whereof some have been murthered, others wounded, the church with their houses demolished, and the materials thereof, with their goods taken from them by force : for which cause they the said rioters were exempted in the last act of generall pardon : humbly presented to the consideration of this present Parliament for redress and reparation of their so great losses and damages, as it was also to the Parliament then sitting in January 1651.
Equal Pay For Equal Work : Wage dispersion : why are similar workers paid differently? / Dale T. Mortensen.; Mortensen, Dale.
Equal Pay For Equal Work Case Studies : Equal pay for women : progress and problems in seven countries / edited by Barrie O. Pettman with the assistance of John Fyfe.