Espionage American Germany Berlin : Battleground Berlin : CIA vs. KGB in the Cold War / David E. Murphy, Sergei A. Kondrashev, and George Bailey.; Murphy, David E.,
Espionage British Early Works To 1800 : Memoirs of secret service. / by Matthew Smith of the Inner-Temple, Esq. To which is added, by way of appendix, The D. of S---'s letter to the House of Lords: with remarks thereupon.; Smith, Matthew,
Espionage British Germany East History : Communing with the enemy : covert operations, Christianity and Cold War politics in Britain and the GDR / Merrilyn Thomas.; Thomas, Merrilyn,
Espionage British In Literature : Elizabethan fictions : espionage, counter-espionage, and the duplicity of fiction in early Elizabethan prose narratives.; Maslen, R. W.
Espionage British Soviet Union : The spy who saved the world : how a Soviet colonel changed the course of the Cold War / by Jerrold L. Schecter and Peter S. Deriabin.; Schecter, Jerrold L.
Espionage East German : Stasi files and GDR espionage against the west.; Schäfer, Bernd.
Espionage East German Ireland : East German intelligence and Ireland, 1949-90 : espionage, terrorism and diplomacy / Jérôme aan de Wiel.; De Wiel, Jérôme aan,
Espionage East German Northern Ireland : East German intelligence and Ireland, 1949-90 : espionage, terrorism and diplomacy / Jérôme aan de Wiel.; De Wiel, Jérôme aan,
Espionage Encyclopedias : Encyclopedia of intelligence and counterintelligence / edited by Rodney P. Carlisle.
Espionage England Early Works To 1800 : A true relation of a wicked plot intended and still on foot against the city of Glocester, to betray the same into the hands of the Cavaliers. : Discovered by Captaine Backhouse who was wrought upon to have betrayed the same by the sollicitation of one Edward Stanford Esquire, a grand Papist but a lieut: colonell amongst the Cavaliers; and by himselfe set forth to give the Parliament and his Excellencie satisfaction and the better to vindicate his owne integrity. Together with severall letters from my Lord Digby and Sir William Vavasour to Capt. Backhouse concerning the said designe. 4. Maii. 1644. It is this day ordered by the committee of the House of Commons for printing, that this relation be printed by Edward Husbands. Jo. White.; Backhouse, Robert,
Espionage History : The secret world : a history of intelligence / Christopher Andrew.; Andrew, Christopher M.,
Espionage History 18th Century : Espionage, diplomacy & the lodge : Charles Delafaye and the secret department of the Post Office / Ric Berman.; Berman, Ric,
Espionage In Motion Pictures : James Bond and popular culture : essays on the influence of the fictional superspy / edited by Michele Brittany.
Espionage Ireland History 20th Century : Spying on Ireland : British intelligence and Irish neutrality during the Second World War / Eunan O'Halpin.; O'Halpin, Eunan.
Espionage Soviet : The Penkovsky papers / Oleg Penkovskiy ; introduction and commentary by Frank Gibney ; foreword by Edward Crankshaw ; translated by P. Deriabin.; Penʹkovskiĭ, Oleg Vladimirovich,
Espionage Soviet Germany Berlin : Battleground Berlin : CIA vs. KGB in the Cold War / David E. Murphy, Sergei A. Kondrashev, and George Bailey.; Murphy, David E.,