Europe Foreign Relations Colonies : Colonialism and the object : empire, material culture, and the museum / edited by Tim Barringer and Tom Flynn.
Europe Foreign Relations Cuba : The fractured blockade : West European-Cuban relations during the revolution / edited by Alistair Hennessy and George Lambie.
Europe Foreign Relations Finland : Finland and Europe : international crises in the period of autonomy, 1808-1914 / translated from the Finnish by Anthony F. Upton and Sirkka R. Upton ; edited and abridged by D.G. Kirby.; Paasivirta, Juhani.
Europe Foreign Relations History : Endless empire : Spain's retreat, Europe's eclipse, America's decline / edited by Alfred W. McCoy, Josep M. Fradera, and Stephen Jacobson.
Europe Foreign Relations Japan : Civilization and empire : China and Japan's encounter with European international society / Shogo Suzuki.; Suzuki, Shogo,
Europe Foreign Relations Post 1945 : Towards a United States of Europe : an analysis of Britain's role in European union.; Mackay, Ronald William Gordon.
Europe Foreign Relations United States Congresses : America and European security : proceedings of the Conference on American Foreign Policy and the New Europe / ed. by Louis J. Mensonides and James A. Kuhlman.; Conference on American foreign policy and the new Europe, Blacksburg, Va., 1974.
Europe Full Employment Policies : Joint Action for Jobs : a new internationalism / edited by Ken Coates ; with contributions from Michael Barratt Brown ... [et al.] ; foreword by Stuart Weir.