Europe History 476 1492 Encyclopedias : Key figures in medieval Europe : an encyclopedia / Richard K. Emmerson, editor and Sandra Clayton-Emmerson, associate editor.
Europe History 1492 1648 Biography : Queenship in the Mediterranean : negotiating the role of the queen in the medieval and early modern eras / edited by Elena Woodacre.
Europe History 1492 1648 Biography Congresses : Queenship in the Mediterranean [electronic resource] : negotiating the role of the queen in the medieval and early modern eras / edited by Elena Woodacre.
Europe History 1492 1648 Newspapers Early Works To 1800 : A true relation of the murther of Osman the great Turke, : and five of his principal bashawes, and of the election and coronation of Mustapha his vnckle in his stead. : With a continuation of all the principall occurents in the Palatinate and else-where, from the 13 of Iune till this present 4 of Iuly..
Europe History 1492 1648 Prophecies : The pope / translated out of the old Dutch coppye, in print all most 50 yeares since, and novv reprinted, 1621.; John,
Europe History 1648 1714 : News form [sic] the Netherlands : being a full and true relation of a sharp and bloody battel fought betwixt the Prince of Orange, and the French army, under the command of the Duke of Luxemburg, at St. Denis, neer unto Mons, in Flanders, the 14th of this present August, 1678 : to the tune of A Fig for Flanders, &c.