Exclusive Contracts European Union Countries : Proceedings of the European Competition Forum / edited by Claus Dieter Ehlermann, Laraine L. Laudati.; European Competition Forum
Excommunicatio Early Works To 1800 : The popes dreadfull curse. : Being the form of an excommunication of the Church of Rome. Taken out of the leger-book of the Church of Rochester now in the custody of the dean and chapter there. Writ by Ernulfus the Bishop.; Ernulf,
Excommunication Catholic Church Early Works To 1800 : Apologia per le oppositioni fatte dall' illustrissimo & reverendissimo signor cardinale Bellarminio alli trattati, et risolutioni di Gio. Gersone. English; Sarpi, Paolo,
Excommunication Society Of Friends Early Works To 1800 : The Quakers complaint against George Keith, humbly presented to the clergy of the Church of England, who have lately receiv'd him into their communion, and suffer'd him to preach in their pulpits : With some reasons why the people called Quakers have excommunicated George Keith, &c. clearing them from the aspersions cast upon them by him.
Excretion Folklore Early Works To 1800 : The twelve wonders of England, : being a strange and wonderful relation of the death of Mr. Parrey, an inn-keeper, living at the sign of the Bell at Temple-bar; and the manner how twelve serpents vvere voided from him a little before his death on Thursday last, some having heads like toads and horses, and others like neuts and dogs, to the great admiration of all that shall read the ensuing subject. Together vvith a narrative of his life and death, his memento and character to all Christians; and other memorable examples of most strange and wonderful prodigies.; Reyner, Edward,
Execution Sermons 17th Century : A sermon preach'd at the Castle of York, to the condemned prisoners : on Monday the 30th of March, 1691. being the day before their execution. With an appendix, which gives some account of them all; but more particularly of Mr. Edmund Robinson clerk, who was condemned and executed for high treason in counterfeiting the King's coyn. / By George Halley ...; Halley, George,
Execution Sermons England Early Works To 1800 : The bishop of Canterbury his last speech or, His funerall sermon, preach't by himselfe upon the scaffold on Tower-Hill, on Friday the tenth day of January 1644. : Vpon Hebrews, 12. 1,2. Also, the prayers which he used at the same time and place before his execution. / All faithfully written by Iohn Hinde, whom the arch-bishop beseeched that he would not let any wrong be done him by any phrase in false copies.; Laud, William,
Executions And Executioners England Northampton Early Works To 1800 : Relation of the most remarkable proceedings at the late assizes at Northampton : Conteyning truely and fully, the tryals, confessions, and execution of a most mischievous vvitch, notorious high-way-man, barbarous murderess. The first being Mary Forster, who by witchcraft destroyed above 30 sheep belonging to one Joseph Weedon, and afterwards burned to the ground his dwelling-house, and two large barns, full of corn and hay: to his damage above 300l. VVith her confession of the fact, how, and why she did it: and askign him forgiveness for the same. And a wonderful experiment of her divelish skill shewed in the goal, after she was condemned. The second a high-way-man, who had been 14 times in goal, and before his death discovered several others. The third a young vvench that killed her child, with the strange means how the same was discovered, and her penitent behaviour at the execution. Who all suffered at Northampton aforesaid, Saturday, Aug. 22. 1674.
Executions And Executioners England Poetry : Groanes from Newgate, or, An elegy upon Edvvard Dun, Esq. : the cities common hangman, who dyed naturally in his bed the 11th of September, 1663 / written by a person of quality.; Person of quality.
Executions And Executioners England Sussex : News from Sussex, or, The Barbarous robber strangely convicted : being a full and true relation of one Gardiner, that was hang'd upon the testimony of his own daughter, at the last assizes at East- Greenstead in Sussex : with the carriage of him and his companion ... at the place of execution, the 15th of this instant March, 1676.
Executions And Executioners France Paris : The Terrible and deserued death of Francis Rauilliack : shewing the manner of his strange torments at his execution, vpon Friday the 25. of May last past, for the murther of the late French King Henry the Fourth : together with an abstract out of diuers proclamations, and edicts, now concerning the state of France : as it was printed in French in three seuerall bookes published by authority.
Executions And Executioners In Art : The thief, the cross, and the wheel : pain and the spectacle of punishment in medieval and Renaissance Europe.; Merback, Mitchell B.