Falcon Ii Yacht : The "Falcon" on the Baltic : a coasting voyage from Hammersmith to Copenhagen in a three-ton yacht.; Knight, E. F.
Falconer David Sir 1640 1686 : Information for my Lord and Lady Nairn, David Falconer of Newtoun, and Michael Balfour of Forret; : against the Earl of Argyl.
Falconer Jean : Woodsmoke and temple flowers : memories of Malaya.; Falconer, Jean.
Falconer Richard Major : A true and perfect narrative of the several proceedings in the case concerning the Lord Craven, before the Commissioners for Sequestrations and Compositions sitting at Haberdashers-Hall, the Council of State, the Parliament : and upon the indictment of perjury, preferred and found against Major Richard Faulconer, the single and material witness against the Lord Craven, concerning the petition to the King of Scots, vvhich as the said Faulconer pretended, was promoted at Breda by the Lord Craven, and wherein, as the said Faulconer deposed, the Parliament of England was stiled by the name of barbarous and inhumane rebels. Shortly after which oath the Lord Cravens estate was voted by Parliament to be confiscate.
Faldo John 1633 1690 Curb For William Penns Confidence : William Penn's return to John Faldo's reply, called A curb for William Penn's confidence, &c. : writ in defence of his answer to John Faldo's printed challenge.; Penn, William,
Faleiro Rui : O regimento da altura de leste-oeste de Rui Faleiro : subsídios para o estudo náutico e geográfico da viagem de Fernão de Magalhães : memória.; Mota, Avelino Teixeira da.
Falfield England Maps : Gloucestershire [cartographic material] : sheet ST 69 SE.; Great Britain.
Falkenhausen Alexander Von : Mémoires d'outre-guerre : extraits : comment j'ai gouverné la Belgique de 1940 à 1944 / Alexander von Falkenhausen ; textes présentés par Jo Gérard.; Falkenhausen, Alexander von.
Falkenhayn Erich Von 1861 1922 : German strategy and the path to Verdun : Erich von Falkenhayn and the development of attrition, 1870-1916.; Foley, Robert T.,
Falkland Henry Cary Viscount 1633 : Henricus Dominus Carye, Vicecomes Falklandiæ, contrarotulator hospitii serenissimi domini Regis Iacobi, deputatus suæ Maiestatis in Regno Hiberniæ & unus dominorum priuati consilii dicti domini regis in regno Angliæ; Falkland, Henry Cary,
Falkland Islands War 1982 Medical Care : Doctor for friend and foe : Britain's frontline medic in the fight for the Falklands / by Rick Jolly.; Jolly, Rick.