Family And Relationships Family Relationships : Royal mothers and their ruling children : wielding political authority from antiquity to the early modern era / edited by Elena Woodacre and Carey Fleiner.
Family And Relationships Parenting Motherhood : Royal mothers and their ruling children : wielding political authority from antiquity to the early modern era / edited by Elena Woodacre and Carey Fleiner.
Family Arab Countries : Women and the family in the Middle East : new voices of change/ edited by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea.
Family Archives France Provence : Les papiers de famille : une ethnologie de l'écriture, de la mémoire et des sentiments en Provence alpine.; Feschet, Valérie.
Family Archives Management : Personal archives and a new archival calling : readings, reflections and ruminations / by Richard J. Cox.; Cox, Richard J.
Family Attitudes : Home and school : a child's-eye view / Jacqueline Goodnow, Ailsa Burns.; Goodnow, Jacqueline J.
Family Bali : Pengaruh pariwisata terhadap kesejahteraan keluarga : suatu studi descriptif tentang pengarah pariwisata terhadap masalah-masalah keluarga didesa kuta Bali.; Suhartono, Irawan.
Family Cambodia : Parente et organisation sociale dans le Cambodge moderne et contemporain : quelques aspects et quelques applications du modele les regissant.; Nepote, Jacques.
Family Canada : Family shifts : families, policies, and gender equality.; Eichler, Margrit.
Family Counseling : The A-Z of therapeutic parenting professional companion : tools for proactive practice / Sarah Naish, Sarah Dillon and Jane Mitchell.; Naish, Sarah,
Family Counselling United States : The expanded family life cycle : individual, family, and social perspectives / edited by Betty Carter and Monica McGoldrick.
Family Day Care : Improving children's services networks : lessons from family centres / Jane Tunstill, Jane Aldgate and Marilyn Hughes.; Tunstill, Jane.
Family Demography Great Britain : Sources and methods for family and community historians : a handbook / edited by Michael Drake and Ruth Finnegan with Jacqueline Eustace.
Family Drama : Family circles : a comedy.; Ayckbourn, Alan,
Family Economic Aspects Sweden : Familjebeskattning, konsumtion och arbetsutbud : en ekonometrisk analys av lone-och inkomstelasticiteter samt policysimuleringar for svenska hushall.; Andersson, Irene Ann-Kristin.
Family England : A new family-book, or, The true interest of families : being directions to parents and children, and to those who are instead of parents : shewing them their several duties, and how they may be happy in one another : together with several prayers for families and children, and graces before and after meat : to which is annexed a discourse about the right way of improving our time / by James Kirkwood ... ; with a preface, by Dr. Horneck.; Kirkwood, James,