Fitzgerald Family : The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys.; Goodwin, Doris Kearns.
Fitzgerald Family Congresses : The Geraldines and medieval Ireland : the making of a myth / Peter Crooks & Seán Duffy, editors.
Fitzgerald James Fitzmaurice 1579 : The moste true reporte of Iames Fitz Morrice death, and others the like offe[n]ders: with a brief discourse of rebellion, dedicated to the ribht [sic] worshipfull my louying freende M. Drewe Drewrie, brother to the honourable sir Willyam Drewrie, lorde Iustice of Irelande. Written by Thomas Churchyard Gent; Churchyard, Thomas,
Fitzgerald Robert 1638 1698 : New experiments and useful observations concerning sea-water made fresh, : according to the patentees invention: in a discourse humbly dedicated to His Majesty, the King of Great Britain, &c. / By Nehemiah Grew ...; Grew, Nehemiah,
Fitzgerald Robert 1638 1698 Salt Water Sweetned : Farther additions to a small treatise called Salt-water sweetned: : shewing the great advantages both by sea and by land, of sea-water made fresh. Together with the Honourable Mr. Boyle's letter, and the approbation of the Colledge of Physicians, of the wholsomeness of this water.; Fitzgerald, Robert,
Fitzharris Edward 1648 1681 Treason In Spain : An answer to a late treasonable pamphlet entituled Treason in Spain, &c. for which pamphlet Edward Fitz-Harris lies condemned; A. C.
Fitzhead England Maps : Somerset [cartographic material] : sheet ST 12 NW.; Great Britain.
Fitzherbert Thomas 1552 1640 Supplement To The Discussion Of M D Ba : The reply of T.F. in defence of the two first chapters of his Supplement to the Discussion &c. : Impugned by one falsely naming himself Roger Widdrington, in a Latin booke intitutled, Disputatio theologica de Iuramento fidelitatis. Also a copy of a decree lately made, & published by the expresse commaundment of his Holynes, for the condemnation, & prohibition of the aforesayd Disputatio Theologica, & of a former booke of the same authour, intituled, Apologia Cardinalis Bellarminij &c.; Fitzherbert, Thomas,
Fitzherbert William Saint 1154 : The shrines of St. William of York / an account written by Christopher Wilson to commemorate the 750th anniversary of the canonisation of Saint William.; Wilson, Christopher,
Fitzhugh George 1806 1881 : The world the slaveholders made : two essays in interpretation / by Eugene D. Genovese.; Genovese, Eugene D.,
Fitzhugh George 1806 1881 85313502 : The world the slaveholders made : two essays in interpretation / by Eugene D. Genovese.; Genovese, Eugene D.,
Fitzjohn Eustace 1157 : The sons of John : a study of an Anglo-Norman family : Payn, Eustace and William Fitzjohn.; Blake, Norah FitzJohn.
Fitzjohn Payn 1137 : The sons of John : a study of an Anglo-Norman family : Payn, Eustace and William Fitzjohn.; Blake, Norah FitzJohn.
Fitzjohn William 1175 : The sons of John : a study of an Anglo-Norman family : Payn, Eustace and William Fitzjohn.; Blake, Norah FitzJohn.
Fitzosbert William 1196 : The life and death of william Long beard, the most famous and witty English traitor, borne in the citty of London : Accompanied with manye other most pleasant and prettie histories, by T.L. of Lincolns Inne, gent.; Lodge, Thomas,
Fitzpatrick Eugene J : Catholic priest / Julia Roche ; photographs by Chris Fairclough.; Roche, Julia.
Fitzpatrick Joan 1950 2003 : Human rights and refugees, internally displaced persons and migrant workers : essays in memory of Joan Fitzpatrick and Arthur Helton / edited by Anne F. Bayefsky.
Fitzpatrick Sheila : A spy in the archives : a memoir of Cold War Russia / Sheila Fitzpatrick.; Fitzpatrick, Sheila.
Fitzralph Richard 1360 : Richard Fitzralph commentator of the Sentences : a study in theological orthodoxy.; Leff, Gordon.
Fitzsimon Henry 1566 : A friendly caveat to Irelands Catholickes, concerning the daungerous dreame of Christs corporall (yet invisible) presence in the sacrament of the Lords Supper : Grounded vpon a letter pretended to be sent by some well minded Catholickes: who doubted, and therefore desired satisfaction in certaine points of religion, with the aunswere and proofes of the Romane Catholicke priests, to satisfie and confirme them in the same. Perused and allowed for apostolicall and Catholicke, by the subscription of maister Henry Fitzsimon Iesuit, now prisoner in the Castle of Dublin. With a true, diligent, and charitable examination of the same prooffes: wherein the Catholickes may see this nevv Romane doctrine to bee neither apostolicall nor Catholicke, but cleane contarie to the old Romane religion, and therefore to bee shunned of all true auncient Romane Catholickes, vnlesse they vvill be new Romish heretickes. By Iohn Rider Deane of Saint Patrickes Dublin.; Rider, John,
Fitzwalter Matilda : Matilda : The faire and chaste daughter of the Lord Robert Fitzwater. The true glorie of the noble house of Sussex.; Drayton, Michael,
Fitzwalter Robert 1235 : The honourable prentice: or, This taylor is a man : Shewed in the life and death of Sir John Hawekwood, sometime prentice of London: interlaced with the famous history of the noble Fitzwalter, Lord of Woodham in Essex, and of the poisoning of his faire daughter: Also of the merry customes of Dunmow, where any one may freely haue a gammon of bacon, that repents not mariage in a yeere and a day. Whereunto is annexed the most lamentable murther of Robert Hall at the high altar in Westminster Abbey.; Vallans, William.
Fitzwalter Robert Radcliffe Lord 1629 : The honourable prentice: or, This taylor is a man : Shewed in the life and death of Sir John Hawkewood, sometimes prentice of London: interlaced with the famons [sic] history of the noble Fitzwalter, Lord of Woodham in Essex, and of the poisoning of his faire daughter: also of the merry customes of Dunmow, where any one may freely haue a gammon of bacon, that repents not marriage in a yeere and a day. Whereunto is annexed the most lamentable murther of Robert Hall at the high altar in Westminster Abbey.; Vallans, William.
Five Letters Concerning The Inspiration Of The Holy Scriptures : A vindication of the divine authority and inspiration of the Old and New Testament : in answer to a treatise lately translated out of French, entitled, Five letters concerning the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures / by William Lowth, B.D., chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Winchester.; Lowth, William,