France Foreign Relations Italy Rome Early Works To 1800 : A Relation from Rome of the massacre committed upon the French ambassador and his lady : with two letters from the French king, one to the pope, another to the cardinal concerning the same : published for satisfaction.
France Foreign Relations Netherlands 1643 1715 : Ordonnance du Roy par lacquelle Sa Majesté après avoir resolu de faire la guerre aux Estats de Hollande deffend à ses sujets d'y avoir aucune communication ny commerce. English; France.
France Foreign Relations Poland Sources : An Abstract of the procedure of France since the Pyrenaean Treaty : under these heads, I. The speech of Monsieur Zerowisky, the Emperour's ambassador to the King of Poland, II. A memorial presented by the said ambassador to the King of Poland, III. A letter from Monsieur Du Vernay to Count Teckely, IV. A letter from Count Teckely to Monsieur Du Vernay, V. A letter from Monsieur Peter Jaigel, Governour of Cassovia, to Monsieur Du Vernay ; to which is added, Mercurius panegyricus.
France Foreign Relations Savoy Duchy : Memoires of the transactions in Savoy during this war : wherein the Duke of Savoy's foul play with the allies, and his secret correspondence with the French king, are fully detected and demonstrated, by authentick proofs, and undeniable matter of fact : with remarks upon the separate treaty of Savoy with France, and the present posture of affairs with relation to a general peace / made English from the original.
France Foreign Relations Scotland : Scotland, England and France after the loss of Normandy, 1204-1296 : Auld Amitie'; Pollock, M. A.
France Foreign Relations Sources : French foreign policy : statement made by M. Couve de Murville, Minister of Foreign Affairs.; Couve De Murville, Maurice Jacques.
France Foreign Relations Turkey Early Works To 1800 : An account of Monsieur De Quesne's late expedition at Chio : together with the negotiation of Monsieur Guilleragues, the French ambassadour at the port / in a letter written by an officer of the Grand Vizir's to a pacha ; translated into English.; Officer of the Grand Vizir.
France Guidebooks 19th Century : Hand-book for travellers in France : being a guide to Normandy, Brittany; the rivers Loire, Seine, Rhone, and Garonne; the French Alps, Dauphiné, Provence, and the Pyrenees : with descriptions of the principal routes, railways, the approaches to Italy, the chief watering places etc. : with five travelling maps.
France History 16th Century Poetry : The French historie, that is, A lamentable discourse of three of the chiefe, and most famous bloodie broiles that haue happened in France for the Gospell of Iesus Christ : namelie, 1. The outrage called the winning of S. Iames his streete, 1557, 2. The constant martirdome of Annas Burgans one of the K. Councell, 1559, 3. The bloodie marriage of Margaret sister to Charles the 9, anno 1572 / published by A.D.; Dowriche, Anne,
France History 16th Century Poetry Early Works To 1800 : The French historie : That is; a lamentable discourse of three of the chiefe, and most famous bloodie broiles that haue happened in France for the Gospell of Iesus Christ. Namelie; 1 The outrage called the winning of S. Iames his Streete, 1557. 2 The constant martirdome of Anna Burgæus one of the K. Councell, 1559. 3 The bloodie marriage of Margaret sister to Charles the 9. anno 1572. Published by A.D.; Dowriche, Anne,