French Language Lexicology Historical : Emotional lexicons : continuity and change in the vocabulary of feeling, 1700-2000 / Ute Frevert [and eight others]
French Language Middle French 1300 1600 Foreign Words And Phrases I : Deux dialogues du nouveau langage françois : italianizé et autrement desguizé, principalement entre les courtisans de ce temps : de plusieurs nouveautez qui ont accompagné ceste nouveauté de langage : de quelques courtisanismes modernes, et de quelques singularitez courtisanesques / Henri Estienne ; édition critique par P.-M. Smith.; Estienne, Henri,
French Language Middle French 1300 1600 Grammar Early Works To : The Frenche Littelton. : A most easie, perfect, and absolute way to learne the frenche [sic] tongue. / Set forth by Claudius Hollyband, teaching in Paules Churchyarde, at the signe of the golden Balle ...; Hollyband, Claudius,
French Language Middle French 1300 1600 Textbooks For Foreign Speak : The Frenche Littelton. : A most easie, perfect, and absolute way to learne the frenche [sic] tongue. / Set forth by Claudius Hollyband, teaching in Paules Churchyarde, at the signe of the golden Balle ...; Hollyband, Claudius,
French Language Middle French 1300 1600 Usage : Deux dialogues du nouveau langage françois : italianizé et autrement desguizé, principalement entre les courtisans de ce temps : de plusieurs nouveautez qui ont accompagné ceste nouveauté de langage : de quelques courtisanismes modernes, et de quelques singularitez courtisanesques / Henri Estienne ; édition critique par P.-M. Smith.; Estienne, Henri,
French Language Obsolete Words : A new dictionary French and English, with another English and French : according to the present use, and modern orthography of the French, enrich'd with new words, choice phrases, and apposite proverbs, digested into a most accurate method, and contrived for the use both of English and foreiners : to which is added, A collection of barbarous French, or, of obsolete, provincial, mis-spelt, and made words for the satisfaction of such as read old French authors / by Guy Miege, Gent.; Miege, Guy,
French Language Orthography And Spelling Early Works To 1800 : The first part of the French grammar : artificially reduced into tables, by arte locall, called the arte of memorie. Contayning (after an extraordinary and most easie method) the pronounciation and orthographie of the French tongue according to the new manner of writing, ... And as most amply is declared in the explication of the aforesaid reformed alphabet, and letters in it otherwise ordered, ... Also the artificiall and generall declination terminatiue of nounes and verbes. Lately compiled by William Colson of London, professor of litterall and liberall sciences.; Colson, William.
French Language Pronunciation Early Works To 1800 : The first part of the French grammar : artificially reduced into tables, by arte locall, called the arte of memorie. Contayning (after an extraordinary and most easie method) the pronounciation and orthographie of the French tongue according to the new manner of writing, ... And as most amply is declared in the explication of the aforesaid reformed alphabet, and letters in it otherwise ordered, ... Also the artificiall and generall declination terminatiue of nounes and verbes. Lately compiled by William Colson of London, professor of litterall and liberall sciences.; Colson, William.