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Freud Sigmund 1856 1939 Congresses : Psychoanalysis, monotheism and morality : the Sigmund Freud Museum symposia 2009-2011 / Wolfgang Müller-Funk ; Inge Scholz-Strasser ; Herman Westerink.
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Freytag Von Loringhoven Bernd Freiherr 1914 2007 : In the bunker with Hitler : the last witness speaks, 23 July 1944 - 29 April 1945 / Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven with François D'Alançon.; Freytag von Loringhoven, Bernd,
Friars Controversial Literature Early Works To 1800 : Tvvo short treatises, against the orders of the begging friars, compiled by that famous doctour of the Church, and preacher of Gods word John Wickliffe, sometime fellow of Merton, and master of Ballioll Coll. in Oxford, and afterwards parson of Lutterworth in Lecestershire. Faithfully printed according to two ancient manuscript copies, extant, the one in Benet Colledge in Cambridge, the other remaining in the publike librarie at Oxford; Wycliffe, John,
Friars England Hull : The White Friars, Black Friars and Carthusians of Kingston-upon-Hull.; Wildridge, Thomas Tindall.
Friars Europe History : Preaching the Crusades : mendicant friars and the cross in the thirteenth century.; Maier, Christoph T.
Friars France Humour Early Works To 1800 : A subtill practise, vvrought in Paris by Fryer Frauncis : who to deceiue Fryer Donnet of a sweet skind nun which he secretly kept, procured him to go to Rome, where he tolde the Pope a notable lie concerning the taking of the king of France prisoner by the Duke de Mayne: for which, they whipt ech other so greeuously in Rome, that they died thereof within two dayes after.; L. R.,
Friars Germany History 16th Century : Antifraternalism and anticlericalism in the German Reformation : Johann Eberlin von Gunzburg and the campaign against the friars.; Dipple, Geoffrey.
Friars Humour Early Works To 1800 : Merry iests, concerning popes, monkes, and friers : Whereby is discouered their abuses and errors &c. Written first in Italian by N.S. and thence translated into French by G.I. and now out of French into English, by R.W. Bac. of Arts of H.H. in Oxon.; N. S.,
Friedl Ludwig Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Schuler-Zgraggen v. Switzerland : judgment of 31 January 1995 : B - Case of Friedl v. Austria : judgment of 31 January 1995.; European Court of Human Rights.