Geology Stratigraphic Cambrian : The Cambrian of SW Wales : towards a united Avalonian stratigraphy / edited by A.J. Rees, A.T. Thomas, M. Lewis, H.E. Hughes, and P. Turner.
Geology Stratigraphic Cretaceous : Boreholes in the Wealden Beds of the Hailsham area, Sussex / R. D. Lake and B. Young.; Lake, R. D.
Geology Stratigraphic Holocene Congresses : Mesolithic Scotland and its neighbours : the Early Holocene prehistory of Scotland, its British and Irish context, and some Northern European perspectives / edited by Alan Saville.
Geology Stratigraphic Miocene : The geology and vertebrate paleontology of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland / edited by Stephen J. Godfrey.
Geology Stratigraphic Neogene : European Neogene mammal chronology / edited by Everett H. Lindsay, Volker Fahlbusch, and Pierre Mein.
Geology Stratigraphic Neogene Guidebooks : A field guide to the Neogene sedimentary basins of the Almería Province, SE Spain / [electronic resource] / edited by A. E. Mather ... [et al.].
Geology Stratigraphic Pleistocene Congresses : Mesolithic Scotland and its neighbours : the Early Holocene prehistory of Scotland, its British and Irish context, and some Northern European perspectives / edited by Alan Saville.
Geology Stratigraphic Pliocene : Sixième rapport a la Union Géographique Internationale : problemes desterrasses.; Commission pour L'étude des terrasses Pliocènes et Pléistocènes.
Geology Stratigraphic Quaternary Congresses : The Quaternary of the United States : a review volume for the VII Congress of the International Association for Quaternary Research / H.E. Wright, Jr. and David G. Frey, editors.; International Union for Quaternary Research.
Geology Stratigraphic Tertiary : Geology and paleontology of the Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina, III / Clayton E. Ray and David J. Bohaska, editors.
Geology Thailand : Geology and mineral resources in Thailand and Malaya / [Kiyoshi Takimoto et al. ; editor Kiyoshi Takimoto].
Geology Turkey : Geology and history of Turkey / edited by Angus S. Campbell.
Geology United States Congresses : The Quaternary of the United States : a review volume for the VII Congress of the International Association for Quaternary Research / H.E. Wright, Jr. and David G. Frey, editors.; International Union for Quaternary Research.
Geology Wales : The Cambrian of SW Wales : towards a united Avalonian stratigraphy / edited by A.J. Rees, A.T. Thomas, M. Lewis, H.E. Hughes, and P. Turner.