Germany Colonies Africa : Emancipation without abolition in German East Africa, c. 1884-1914 / Jan-Georg Deutsch.; Deutsch, Jan-Georg.
Germany Colonies Africa Administration Congresses : Britain and Germany in Africa : imperial rivalry and colonial rule : essays / edited by Prosser Gifford and Wm. Roger Louis ; with the assistance of Alison Smith.
Germany Commerce Belgium History : Die Handelsbeziehungen zwischen Belgien und dem Zollverein, 1830-1885 : Vertragspolitik und Warentausch.; Sydow, Helmut.
Germany Commerce Netherlands : Invoer te lande verboden : een verkenning van de handel over landwegen tussen Nederland en de Pruisische provincies Rheinland en Westfalen, 1836-1857.; Lewe, Agnes.
Germany Commercial Policy History : Germany's commercial grip on the world : her business methods explained / by Henry Hauser ; translated by Manfred Emanuel.; Hauser, Henri.
Germany Court And Courtiers : The small German courts in the eighteenth century / Adrien Fauchier-Magnan ; translated by Mervyn Savill.; Fauchier-Magnan, Adrien.
Germany Court And Courtiers Biography : Four fools in the age of reason : laughter, cruelty, and power in early modern Germany / Dorinda Outram.; Outram, Dorinda,
Germany East Biography History And Criticism : The self in transition : East German autobiographical writing before and after unification : essays in honour of Dennis Tate / edited by David Clarke and Axel Goodbody.
Germany East Boundaries : Where the world ended : re-unification and identity in the German borderland.; Berdahl, Daphne.
Germany East Boundaries Case Studies : Where the world ended : re-unification and identity in the German borderland / Daphne Berdahl.; Berdahl, Daphne,
Germany East Boundaries Poland : GDR and Poland : friends and battle comrades for ever : speeches / by Horst Sindermann and Piotr Jaroszewicz, chairmen of the Councils of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic and the Polish People’s Republic, to mark the 25th anniversary of the Zgorzelec Treaty on the Oder-Neisse Peace Line ; [translated by Intertext Berlin].; Sindermann, Horst.