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Gregory Lady 1852 1932   2
Gregory Of Nazianzus Saint   2
Gregory Of Nyssa Saint Approximately 335 Approximately 394   2
Gregory Pope 1554 1623 Behold Two Letters The One Written By The Po : A just apology for His Sacred Majestie, or, an ansvver to a late lying and scandalous pamphlet, : intituled, Behold two letters, the one written by the Pope to the (then) Prince of Wales, now King of England. The other, an answer to the said letter, by the said Prince, now his Majesty of England. Printed in the yeer of discoveries, 1642. By which is discovered unto His Majesties loyall subjects, how our soveraign hath bin basely abused, both by the penner and printer thereof, to the scandall and derogation of His most Excellent Majestie. By J.L. Acad. Cant. in Art. Mag.; Lake, Edward,  1642 1
Gregory Saint Bishop Of Tours 538 594   2
Gregory Vii Pope Approximately 1015 1085   11
Gregory Xiii Pope 1502 1585   2
Gregory Xv Pope 1554 1623 : The Last conclave : containing a relation of such occurrents as happened in the conclave wherein was chosen the present Pope Urban the eighth, the sixth of August, 1623 : together with some preceding affaires about the end of the papacy of Gregory the fifteenth.  1642 1
Gregory Xv Pope 1554 1623 Behold Two Letters The One Written By The : A just apology for His Sacred Majestie, or, An ansvver to a late lying and scandalous pamphlet intituled, Behold two letters, the one written by the Pope the then Prince of Wales, now King of England : the other, an answer to the said letter by the said Prince, now his Majesty of England : printed in the yeer of discoveries, 1642 : by which is discovered unto His Majesties lovall subjects, how our soveraign hath bin basely abused, both by the penner and printer thereof to the scandall and derogation of His most Excellent Majestie / by J. L. ...; J. L.,  1642 1
Greiffenberg Hans Von : Fighting in hell : the German ordeal on the Eastern Front / edited by Peter G. Tsouras.  1998 1
Greig David : Cosmotopia : transnational identities in David Greig's theatre / edited by Anja Müller & Clare Wallace.  2011 1
Grellet Stephen 1773 1855   2
Grenada : The governor's story : the authorised biography of Dame Hilda Bynoe / Merle Collins.; Collins, Merle,  2013 1
Grenada Economic Conditions : Socialist transformation in peripheral economies : lessons from Grenada.; Smith, Courtney A.  1995 1
Grenada Foreign Relations United States : Grenada : a study in politics and the limits of international law.; Davidson, Scott,  1987 1
Grenada History : The governor's story : the authorised biography of Dame Hilda Bynoe / Merle Collins.; Collins, Merle,  2013 1
Grenada History American Invasion 1983   2
Grenada Politics And Government 1974   2
Grendon Bishop England Maps : Herefordshire [cartographic material] : sheet SO 55 NE.; Great Britain.  1964 1
Grendon Northamptonshire England Maps : Northamptonshire [cartographic material] : sheet SP 86 SE.; Great Britain.  1972 1
Grendon Underwood England Maps : Buckinghamshire [cartographic material] : sheet SP 62 SE.; Great Britain.  1984 1
Grene Elyzabet : Vniuersis eccelsia[?] rectoribus ad quos presentes l̃re peruenerint Johẽs Calipoleñ Ẽpus magister domus siue Hospitalis sancti Thome martyris dicte de Acoñ in Ciuitate London salutem ... [microform] :; Catholic Church.  1517 1
Grenfell Joyce 1910 1979 : Joyce Grenfell requests the pleasure.; Grenfell, Joyce,  1977 1
Grenfell Wilfred Thomason Sir 1865 1940   2
Grenoble Region France History Congresses : Grenoble et le Vercors : de la Résistance à la Libération, 1940-1944 : actes du colloque tenu à Grenoble à l'Institut d'études politiques / sous la direction de Pierre Bolle.; Institut d'études politiques (Grenoble).  1985 1
Grenoside England Maps   2
Grenvile Bevill Sir 1596 1643   6
Grenville George 1712 1770 : George Grenville : a political life.; Lawson, Philip,  1984 1
Grenville Richard 1542 1591   5
Grenville Richard Sir 1541 1591 : The most honorable tragedie of Sir Richard Grinuile, Knight; Markham, Gervase,  1595 1
Grenville Richard Sir 1600 1658   12
Grenz Rays : Soft x-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation : principles and applications.; Attwood, David T.  1999 1
Grescoe Taras   2
Gresford Wales Maps : Denbighshire - Flintshire [cartographic material] : sheet SJ 35 SE.; Great Britain.  1968 1
Gresham College   4
Gresham England Maps : Norfolk [cartographic material] : sheet TG 13 NE.; Great Britain.  1957 1
Gresham Thomas Sir 1519 1579   3
Gresley Nigel Sir 1876 1941 : Sir Nigel Gresley : the engineer and his family.; Hughes, Geoffrey.  2001 1
Gressenhall England Maps : Norfolk [cartographic material] : sheet TF 91 NE.; Great Britain.  1984 1
Gret Britain History To 1485 : Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine. Abridgements; Speed, John,  1627 1
Gret Ritain History Hentry Viii 1509 1547 Sources Early Works To : Laws, etc.; England.  1513? 1
Gretna Green Scotland Maps   3
Gretna Scotland Parish Maps   2
Gretry Andre Ernest Modeste 1741 1813   2
Gretry Andre Ernest Modeste 1741 1813 Jugement De Midas : Le jugement de Midas : opéra-comique d'André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry / Paul Culot; Culot, Paul.  1978 1
Gretser Jakob 1562 1625   3
Grettis Saga   3
Gretton Gloucestershire England Maps : [Gloucestershire] [cartographic material] : sheet SP 03 SW.; Great Britain.  1955 1
Gretton Northamptonshire England Maps   2
Gretton Peter William : Convoy escort commander / by Peter Gretton.; Gretton, Peter William.  1964 1
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