Harris William Protestant Sufferer In Ireland : The case of Katherine Harris : a Protestant sufferer; whose husband was barbarously murdered the 26th of March, 1687. by the Earl of Clincarty ...; Harris, Katherine,
Harris William Wade : The Prophet Harris : a study of an African prophet and his mass-movement in the Ivory Coast and the Gold Coast, 1913-1915.; Haliburton, Gordon Mackay.
Harris Wilson 1921 : Wilson Harris and the Caribbean novel.; Gilkes, Michael.
Harrison And Harrison : The Harrison story : Harrison and Harrison, organ builders, Durham.; Elvin, Laurence.
Harrison And Latham Shipping Agent : Butler Plantation Papers [microform] : The papers of Pierce Butler (1744-1822) and successors from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.; Butler, Pierce,
Harrison Arthur Aylett : Church Missionary Society archive [microform]. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 4, Nigeria-Yoruba, 1844-1880 1850-1880.
Harrison Elizabeth 1657 : Instruction to the living, from the consideration of the future state of the dead, or, The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment by Christ : as evidenced in the testimony of Christ, as the sum of it was delivered at the funerall of Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison, in Boston, Jan. 1657/8 / by Tho. Moore Junior.; Moore, Thomas,
Harrison Family Of Liverpool : Shipping enterprise and management 1830-1939 : Harrisons of Liverpool / Francis E. Hyde, with contributions from J.R. Harris and A.M. Bourn.; Hyde, Francis Edwin.
Harrison Henry 1816 : Murder, magic, madness : the Victorian trials of Dove and the wizard.; Davies, Owen,
Harrison J C M Mrs : Sermon on the death of Mrs J.C.M. Harrison.; Bonnin, Thomas Scott.
Harrison Johane 1606 : The most cruell and bloody murther committed by an Inkeepers wife, called Annis Dell, and her sonne George Dell, foure yeeres since : On the bodie of a childe, called Anthony Iames in Bishops Hatfield in the countie of Hartford, and now most miraculously reuealed by the sister of the said Anthony, who at the time of the murther had her tongue cut out, and foure yeeres remayned dumme and speechlesse, and now perfectly speaketh, reuealing the murther, hauing no tongue to be seen. With the seuerall vvitch-crafts, and most damnable practises of one Iohane Harrison and her daughter vpon seuerall persons, men and women at Royston, who were all executed at Hartford the 4 of August last past. 1606.
Harrison John Fletcher Clews : Living and learning : essays in honour of J.F.C. Harrison / edited by Malcolm Chase and Ian Dyck.
Harrison John Sir : [Accounting of money collected from Sir John Harrison, knight, by Edmond Turner, deputy, for Sir John Wolstenhome and others, and accounted by Richard Mounteney, general cashier].
Harrison Lou 1917 2003 : Lou Harrison / Leta E. Miller, Fredric Lieberman.; Miller, Leta E.
Harrison Mary 1700 : A burning yet unconsumed bush, exemplified in the dolorous life and glorious death of ... Mrs. Mary Harrison, who departed this life June the 21st, in the 23d year of her age, or, A brief and faithful narrative of the effectualness of her conviction ... : together with the author's speech to the inhabitants of Havant, at the close of her funeral sermon ... / by C. Nicholetts ...; Nicholets, Charles.
Harrison Pat : Pat Harrison : the New Deal years.; Swain, Martha H.
Harrison Thomas 1555 1631 : Christian hospitalitie : handled common-place-wise in the chappel of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge: whereunto is added, a short but honourable narration of the life and death of Mr Harrison, the late hospital vice-master of that royal and magnificent societie. By Caleb Dalechamp ...; Dalechamp, Caleb.
Harrison William : A true and perfect account of the examination, confession, tryal, condemnation and execution of Joan Perry, and her two sons, John & Richard Perry, and for the murder of William Harrison, Gent. : being one of the most remarkable occurrences which hath happened in the memory of man / sent in a letter (by Sir T.O. of Burton, in the county of Gloucester, Kt., and one of His Majesties justices of the peace) to T.S. Dr. of physick in London ; likewise Mr. Harrison's own acount how he was conveyed into Turkey and there made a slave above two years ...; Overbury, Thomas,
Harrison William Of Cambden : The power of vvitchcraft : being a most strange but true relation of the most miraculous and wonderful deliverance of one Mr. William Harrison, of Cambden in the county of Glocester, steward to the Lady Nowel. Who was supposed to have been murthered by his own servant, and his servants mother and brother: but to the amazement of all the people that live near the said place, the truth is now brought to light; and Mr. Harrison after about two years absence is returned into his own country and place of abode in Cambden. The manner how he was bewitched away, and the manner of his safe return back again into his own countrey you shall hear in this following discourse.
Harriss Charles : The account from Wickham (lately published by John Raunce and Charles Harris) examin'd and found false: : and warning thereof given to all such well-meaning persons among the people called Quakers, as through personal affection, want of consideration, or weakness of judgment have been betrayed, or may be in danger to be betrayed by them, or any other in the same dividing spirit with them, and led aside from the way of truth, into a separation from the people of God: for whose recovery and preservation this is written / by Thomas Ellwood.; Ellwood, Thomas,
Harriss Gerald : Rulers and ruled in late medieval England : essays presented to Gerald Harriss / edited by Rowena E. Archer and Simon Walker.
Harrisson Tom 1911 1976 : The most offending soul alive : Tom Harrisson and his remarkable life.; Heimann, Judith M.
Harrod Henry Roy Forbes Sir : Harrod and his trade cycle group : the origins and development of the Growth Research Programme.; Young, Warren,