History Ancient Chronology Early Works To 1800 : A view of the dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, &c. / Lately publish'd by the Reverend Dr. Bentley. ; Also of the examination of that dissertation by the Honourable Mr. Boyle. ; In order to the manifesting the incertitude of heathen chronology.; Milner, John,
History Ancient Historiography Sources : Herodotus and Sima Qian : the first great historians of Greece and China : a brief history with documents / Thomas R. Martin.; Martin, Thomas R.,
History Ancient Juvenile Literature : Children's encyclopedia of the ancient world : step back in time to discover the wonders of the Stone Age, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, the Aztecs and Maya, the Incas, ancient China and ancient Japan / consultant editors, John Haywood [and four others].
History Ancient Poetry : The oldest Anglo-Norman prose Brut chronicle : an edition and translation / [edited by] Julia Marvin.
History Ancient Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Diarium historicopoeticum : in quo praeter constellationum vtriusque hemisphaerii, et zodiaci, ortus, et occasus, numerum stellarum, causaruḿq[ue], ad poesin spectantium, varietatem, declarantur ciuisque mensis dies fere singuli, regum imperatorum, principum, pontificum, viroruḿq[ue] doctorum, natalibus, nuptiis, inaugurationibus, morte deníq[ue], aut re alia quacunq[ue] insigniore, celebriores, sic, vt nihil paene desiderari possit, ad perfectam rerum gestarum chronologiam, cum, ex auctoribus, probatissimis, accurata quoq[ue] annorum ratio margini ascribatur. Suasu, & permissu superiorum.; Moor, Robert,
History Biblical Teaching Early Works To 1800 : A compend of chronography: : containing four thousand thirty yeers complet, from Adams creation to Christs birth. As an harbinger to two larger tomes, in pawn of the authors promiss: which he intends to perform, if God shal permit. / By Rob. Vilvain of Excester. Price at press 3 d.; Vilvain, Robert,
History Dictionaries German : Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe : historisches Lexicon zur politisch-sozialen Sprache in Deutschland. Bd. 1, A-D. / herausgegeben von Otto Brunner, Werner Conze, Reinhart Koselleck.
History Discipline : A short history of the world in 50 lies / Natasha Tidd.; Tidd, Natasha,
History Essays : Royal mothers and their ruling children : wielding political authority from antiquity to the early modern era / edited by Elena Woodacre and Carey Fleiner.
History Europe Germany : The Third Reich : A History of Nazi Germany / Thomas Childers.; Childers, Thomas,
History Europe Great Britain : The people's galleries : art museums and exhibitions in Britain, 1800-1914 / Giles Waterfield.; Waterfield, Giles,
History Europe Great Britain General : Contact zones of the First World War : cultural encounters across the British Empire / Anna Maguire.; Maguire, Anna,
History Europe Spain And Portugal : The queens regnant of Navarre : succession, politics, and partnership, 1274-1512 / Elena Woodacre.; Woodacre, Elena.
History Europe Western : Royal mothers and their ruling children : wielding political authority from antiquity to the early modern era / edited by Elena Woodacre and Carey Fleiner.
History General : Medieval women and their objects / Jenny Adams and Nancy Mason Bradbury, editors.
History Graphic Methods : Computers, visualization, and history : how new technology will transform our understanding of the past / David J. Staley.; Staley, David J.,
History In Advertising United States History : Selling women's history : packaging feminism in twentieth-century American popular culture / Emily Westkaemper.; Westkaemper, Emily,
History In Art Exhibitions : Imagining the past in France : history in manuscript painting, 1250-1500 / Elizabeth Morrison and Anne D. Hedeman.; Morrison, Elizabeth,