Hospitals York England : From county hospital to NHS trust : the history and archives of NHS hospitals, services and management in York, 1740-2000.; Webb, Katherine A.
Host Parasite Relationships : Parasites in ecological communities [electronic resource] : from interactions to ecosystems / Melanie J. Hatcher, Alison M. Dunn.; Hatcher, Melanie J.
Host Parasite Relationships Congresses : Behavioural aspects of parasite transmission / edited by Elizabeth U. Canning and C. A. Wright.; British Society for Parasitology.
Hostages Africa Northwest Early Works To 1800 : Iames by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting. Whereas we haue beene informed, aswell by a lamentable petition on the behalfe of fifteene hundred of our louing subiects, English men, remaining in miserable seruitude and subiection in Argier, Tunis, Sally, Tituane ...; England and Wales.
Hostages Europe History To 1500 : Medieval hostageship, c. 700-c. 1500 : hostage, captive, prisoner of war, guarantee, peacemaker / edited by Matthew Bennett and Katherine Weikert.
Hostages Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Iames by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting. Whereas we haue beene informed, aswell by a lamentable petition on the behalfe of fifteene hundred of our louing subiects, English men, remaining in miserable seruitude and subiection in Argier, Tunis, Sally, Tituane ...; England and Wales.
Hotel Royal Des Invalides France : A pattern of a well-constituted and well-governed hospital, or, A brief description of the building, and full relation of the establishment, constitution, discipline, oeconomy and administration of the government of the Royal Hospital of the Invalids, near Paris / partly translated from a large book printed some years ago in French ; and partly extracted out of some other manuscript relations never before published.
Hotelkeepers Licenses England Nottinghamshire : Villa Nottingham ss. : whereas at the generall sessions of the peace holden for the county of the towne of Nottingham the [blank] day of [blank] in the yeere of the reigne of Our Souereigne Lord Charles ... have hereby licenced, and allowed the said [blank] to keepe a common ale-house, or victualing-house ...; Nottinghamshire (England)
Hotels England Hull : Last orders please! : a guide to the lost hotels, inns, taverns and beerhouses that once served Hull's Old Town.; Hayton, Richard.
Hotels England Suffolk : Suff. ss. memorandum that the [blank] day of [blank] anno Dom. [blank] in the countie aforesaid, vpon his recognisance acknowledged according to the forme of the statute in that case made and prouided, is licensed, assigned and allowed by [blank] Iustices of the Peace of the said countie, to keepe a common victaulling and ale-house ...; Suffolk (England)
Hotels Ireland Personnel Management : Leadership challenges for effective management / Tesfa G. Gebremedhin and Peter V. Schaeffer.; Gebremedhin, Tesfa G.
Hotels Law And Legislation England Early Works To 1800 : A collection of certaine statutes in force, vvith full and ready notes in the margent, containing their effect in briefe. As also the ordinances for the better observation of the Lords day, and the fast dayes. Published for the better caution of such as are inclinable to delinquency against the severall effects of those statutes and ordinances. And also for the better information of all such officers and ministers as are by late speciall warrants authorised and commanded to put the same statutes and ordinances in execution. For the better suppressing 1. Of unlawfull pastimes and abuses on the Lords day. 2. Of prophane swearing and cursing. 3. Of the loathsome sin of drunkennesse. 4. Of the severall offences committed by inne-keepers, ale-house-keepers, and unlicensed ale-house-keepers. 5. Of unlawful games. And severall other abuses. Being appointed by the Lord Mayor of the City of London to be published in all congregations within his jurisdiction.; England and Wales.
Hotels Law And Legislation England London : Act of Common-Council for the Translation of all Persons that Keep Inns, Osteries [sic], or Livery-Stables within this City and Liberties, into the Company of Innholders; City of London (England).