Hotels England Hull : Last orders please! : a guide to the lost hotels, inns, taverns and beerhouses that once served Hull's Old Town.; Hayton, Richard.
Hotels England Suffolk : Suff. ss. memorandum that the [blank] day of [blank] anno Dom. [blank] in the countie aforesaid, vpon his recognisance acknowledged according to the forme of the statute in that case made and prouided, is licensed, assigned and allowed by [blank] Iustices of the Peace of the said countie, to keepe a common victaulling and ale-house ...; Suffolk (England)
Hotels Ireland Personnel Management : Leadership challenges for effective management / Tesfa G. Gebremedhin and Peter V. Schaeffer.; Gebremedhin, Tesfa G.
Hotels Law And Legislation England Early Works To 1800 : A collection of certaine statutes in force, vvith full and ready notes in the margent, containing their effect in briefe. As also the ordinances for the better observation of the Lords day, and the fast dayes. Published for the better caution of such as are inclinable to delinquency against the severall effects of those statutes and ordinances. And also for the better information of all such officers and ministers as are by late speciall warrants authorised and commanded to put the same statutes and ordinances in execution. For the better suppressing 1. Of unlawfull pastimes and abuses on the Lords day. 2. Of prophane swearing and cursing. 3. Of the loathsome sin of drunkennesse. 4. Of the severall offences committed by inne-keepers, ale-house-keepers, and unlicensed ale-house-keepers. 5. Of unlawful games. And severall other abuses. Being appointed by the Lord Mayor of the City of London to be published in all congregations within his jurisdiction.; England and Wales.
Hotels Law And Legislation England London : Act of Common-Council for the Translation of all Persons that Keep Inns, Osteries [sic], or Livery-Stables within this City and Liberties, into the Company of Innholders; City of London (England).
Hotels Law And Legislation Great Britain : A decree lately made in the High Court of Starre-Chamber : after consultation had among the iudges, and certificate of their opinions in diuers things, &c. And also a confirmation of that decree by His Sacred Maiestie; together with His Maiesties command that the same be printed, published, and put in due execution.; England and Wales.
Hotels Prices Early Works To 1800 : The inquisition taken at [blank] the [blank] day of [blank] in the [blank] yeere of the raigne of our soueraigne lord, Iames by the grace of God, of England, France and Ireland king ... and of Scotland the [blank] : before [blank] deputies vnto [blank] esquire, clarke of the market of His Maiesties most honourable houshold, within the verge, as well within liberties as without, by the oathes of [blank] honest and discreet men, of the price of graine, victuals, horsemeat, lodgings, and other things, rated and taxed, in maner and forme following.
Hotham Charles 1615 1672 : A true state of the case of Mr. Hotham, late Fellow of Peter-House : declaring the grounds and reasons of his appeal to the Parliament, against the sentence of those members of the committee for the reformation of the universities who on May 22. last, resolv'd the writing and publishing of his book intitled The petition and argument, &c. to be scandalous and against the priviledge of Parliament, and himself to be depriv'd of his fellowship in that colledge.; Hotham, Charles,
Hott Jane 1645 : The examination, confession, triall, and execution, of Joane Williford, Joan Cariden, and Jane Hott: : who were executed at Feversham in Kent, for being witches, on Munday the 29 of September, 1645. Being a true copy of their evill lives and wicked deeds, taken by the Major of Feversham and jurors for the said inquest. With the examination and confession of Elizabeth Harris, not yet executed. All attested under the hand of Robert Greenstreet, major of Feversham.
Houart Michel 1943 Trials Litigation Etc : Application no. 9359/81 : Houart against Belgium : report of the European Commission of Human Rights ...; Council of Europe.
Houblon James 1682 : A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. James Houblon : who was buried at St. Mary Wolnoth Church in Lombard-Street June 28, 1682 / by Gilbert Burnet.; Burnet, Gilbert,
Hough Ralph : A catalogue of the library of Ralph Hough, Esq; : consisting of the best theological, historical, philogical, medicinal and mathematical authors, in the gr. lat. Span. Ital. Fr. and Engl. tongues, in all volumes. Besides a collection of lexicographers and grammarians, in almost all the Oriental and European languages. Wich will be sold by auction at Tom's coffee-house adjoyning to Ludgate, on Tuesday the 16th instant, and the following days at 3 afternoon / by J. Bullord.; Hough, Ralph.
Hougham England History Early Works To 1800 : A true relation of the re-taking of Howhum garrison in Lincolne-shire, : which was surprised by the Newark forces the 10 of Iune, and re-gained the 12 of Iune by the forces of Grantham, under the command of Colonel Grey. With a list of the prisoners taken in the said garrison. As it was sent in a letter from the said Colonel Grey, to a member of the House of Commons. And dated at Grantham Iune 12, 1645.; Grey, Henry,
Houghton Georgiana 1814 1884 : Evenings at home in spiritual séance / by Georgiana Houghton ; edited with an introduction and notes by Sara Williams.; Houghton, Georgiana,