Indentured Servants Massachusetts Hull Early Works To 1800 : Advertisement : These are to give notice to all persons where these papers shall come; that a servant man belonging to Hannah Bosworth of Hull; whose name is Matthew Jones: he is a taylor by trade ... ran away from his mistress the 22d. of February 1682.
Indentured Servants Nepal : Forced to plough : bonded labour in Nepal's agricultural economy : a report for Informal Sector Service Centre and Anti-Slavery International / Adam Robertson and Shisham Mishra.; Robertson, Adam.
Indentured Servants New York State Early Works To 1800 : By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, captain general and governor in chief of Their Majesties province of New-York ... A proclamation : Whereas I am given to understand that sundry souldiers and marriners have deserted Their Majesties service ... / Given under my hand and seal at Fort William Henry, the thirteenth day of November, 1693. ... Ben. Fletcher.; New York (Colony).
Indentured Servants North America : At the court at Whitehall December the thirteenth 1682 : present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty.; England and Wales.
Indentured Servants North America History Colonial Period 1600 1775 : Know all men by these presents, that [blank] holden and firmly bound unto [blank] in the pænal sum of [blank] lawful money of the province of [blank] to be paid to the said [blank] certain attorney, heirs, executors, administrators or assigns ...
Indentured Servants North America History Sources Early Works To 1800 : At the Court at Whitehall, this 26th day of March 1686. : Present, the Kings most excellent Majesty. His Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark ... [19 others] Mr. Chancellor of the Dutchy. : Whereas it has been represented to His Majesty, that by reason of the frequent abuses of a lewd sort of people, called spirits, in seducing many of His Majesties subjects to go on shipboard,...; England and Wales.
Indentured Servants Peru : Towards a comparative political economy of unfree labour : case studies and debates / Tom Brass.; Brass, Tom,
Independant Churches England Early Works To 1800 : A reply to Mr. Rutherfurd, or A defence of the answer to Reverend Mr. Herles booke against the independency of churches. : VVherein such objections and answers, as are returned to sundry passages in the said answer by Mr. Samuel Rutherfurd, a godly and learned brother of the Church of Scotland, in his boke entituled The due right of Presbyters, are examined and removed, and the answer justified and cleared. / By Richard Macher [sic] teacher to the church at Dorchester in New England. 1646.; Mather, Richard,
Independent Agent : The Malice of the independent-agent again rebuked and his falshood detected : chiefly about the man Jesus Christ, in reply to his answer to a sheet entituled The independent-agent.
Independent Churches Early Works To 1800 : New-Englands Jonas cast up at London: or, A relation of the proceedings of the court at Boston in New-England against divers honest and godly persons, : for petitioning for government in the common-wealth, according to the lawes of England, and for admittance of themselves and children to the sacraments in their churches; and in case that should not be granted, for leave to have ministers and church-government according to the best reformation of England and Scotland. Together with a confutation of some reports of a fained miracle upon the aforesaid petition, being thrown over-board at sea; as also a breif [sic] answer to some passages in a late book (entituled Hypocrisie unmasked) set out by Mr. Winslowe, concerning the Independent churches holding communion with the reformed churches. / By Major John Child.; Child, John,
Independent Churches England : A glasse for vveak ey'd citizens: or a vindication of the pious, prudent and peaceable petition (to the Honorable the Lord Mayor, aldermen and commons in Common-Councel assembled) now in agitation, : from the false aspersions and calumniations of a seditious pamphlet, intituled, A dialogue, &c. By one that hath taken, and desires to keep his covenant. Very usefull for all that have subscribed the petition. Published according to order.; One That Hath Taken, and Desires to Keep His Covenant.
Independent Churches England London Early Works To 1800 : A plea for Mr Strong's church-members; : shewing they ought not implicitely to submit to his unnecessary and doubtful rules, although for it he threaten to debar them from the Lords Table, or to leave them altogether. / By Thomas Bakewell.; Bakewell, Thomas,
Independent Churches England Norwich Early Works To 1800 : Truth vindicated from the unjust accusations of the Independent Society, in the city of Norvvich. : Wherein is proved, 1. That the Church of England is a true church of Christ. 2. That it is a sin to seperate from the true church. 3. That the Independent Society in the city of Norwich is no true church of Christ. 4. Divers reasons and arguments used to perswade men not to seperate from the Church of England and joyne to their Society, shewing the sinfulnesse of so doing. / By S.T. Imprimatur, Ia. Cranford. Aug. 10. 1646.; Townsend, Sampson.
Independent Churches Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Independencie Gods veritie: or, The necessitie of toleration. : Unto which is added the chief principles of the government of independent churches. / Written by J.G. B.D.; Goodwin, John,