India Foreign Relations Netherlands Early Works To 1800 : An ambassage of tvvo Indian kings sent vnto the high and mightie Prince Maurice Prince of Orange : who by the same desire that their sonnes, whom they also haue sent vnto him, might be brought vp in Christian religion.
India Foreign Relations Persian Gulf Region : The Arabian frontier of the British Raj : merchants, rulers, and the British in the nineteenth-century Gulf / James Onley.; Onley, James,
India Gorakhpur Social Conditions 1947 : A district town in transition : social and economic survey of Gorakhpur / Radhakamal Mukerjee and Baljit Singh.; Mukerjee, Radhakamal.
India History 19th Century Historiography : Orientalism, evangelicalism, and the military cantonment in early nineteenth-century India : a historiographical overview / edited by Nancy G. Cassels.
India History 1526 1765 Sources : English factories in India 1618-1669 : a calendar of documents in the India Office British Museum and Public Record Office.; Foster, William,
India History European Settlements 1500 1765 : British beginnings in western India, 1579-1657 : an account of the early days of the British Factory of Surat.; Rawlinson, Hugh George.