Indians Of North America Study And Teaching : Spirit & reason : the Vine Deloria, Jr., reader / foreword by Wilma P. Mankiller ; edited by Barbara Deloria, Kristen Foehner, and Sam Scinta.; Deloria, Vine.
Indians Of North America Utah Wars : The Bear River massacre : being a complete sourcebook and storybook of the genocidal action against the Shoshones in 1863 and of Gen. P.E. Connor and how he related and dealt with Indians and Mormons on the Western Frontier / by Newell Hart.; Hart, Newell.
Indians Of North America Virginia History : Anglo-Native Virginia : trade, conversion, and Indian slavery in the Old Dominion, 1646-1722 / Kristalyn Marie Shefveland.; Shefveland, Kristalyn Marie,
Indians Of North America Virginia Pictorial Works : A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia : of the commodities and of the nature and manners of the naturall inhabitants. Discouered by the English colon there seated by Sir Richard Greinuile Knight in the eere 1585. Which remained vnder the gouernement of twelue monethes, at the speciall charge and direction of the Honourable Sir Walter Raleigh Knight lord Warden of the stanneries who therein hath beene fauoured and authorised b her Maiestie :and her letters patents: This fore booke is made in English by Thomas Hariot seruant to the abouenamed Sir Walter, a member of the Colon, and there imploed in discouering Cum gratia et priuilegio Caes. Matis Speciali; Harriot, Thomas,
Indians Of North America Virginia Treaties : Anglo-Native Virginia : trade, conversion, and Indian slavery in the Old Dominion, 1646-1722 / Kristalyn Marie Shefveland.; Shefveland, Kristalyn Marie,
Indians Of North America Wars 1600 1750 Early Works To 1800 : Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. By the Honourable, the lieutenant governour, &c. Council & Assembly : convened at Boston, upon Wednesday the 27th. of May. 1696. In the eighth year of His Majesties reign. : For better encouragement to prosecute the French and Indian enemy, &c. ...; Massachusetts.
Indians Of North America Wars 1600 1775 : News from New-England: : in a letter written to a person of quality, wherein is a true account of the present state of that countrey, with respect to the late revolution, and the present war with the Indians there. : Together with a relation of a late and bloody fight between the English and the Indians, wherein the latter were routed : As also of a pretended miracle of the French Jesuits in that part of the world : Licens'd Febr. 27. 1689. J.F.