Industrial Archaeology England Southern : The industrial archaeology of southern England : Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Somerset, and Gloucestershire east of the Severn.; Hudson, Kenneth.
Industrial Archaeology Wales : Mines, mills and furnaces : an introduction to industrial archaeology in Wales, / by D. Morgan Rees.; Rees, David Morgan,
Industrial Arts Great Britain : A Discourse of the necessity of encouraging mechanick industry : wherein is plainly proved that luxury and the want of artisans labour became the ruin of the four grand monarchies of the world in the former age, and of Spain and other countries in this : and the promoting of manual trades the rise of the Dutch, Germans, &c. : parallel'd and compared with, and shewn to be practicable under the present constitution of England.
Industrial Brotherhood : Thirty years of labor, 1859-1889 ... : the National Labor League of 1866, the Industrial Brotherhood of 1874 and the Order of the Knights of Labor of America and the World ...; Powderly, Terence Vincent,
Industrial Capacity : Creating industrial capacity : towards full employment / edited by Jonathan Michie and John Grieve Smith.
Industrial Cooperation : Working co-operatively : people to people, business to business / Department of Trade and Industry, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
Industrial Design Environmental Aspects : The sustainablity handbook for design and technology teachers / cproduced by Practical Action in collaboration with the Centre for Alternative Technology and Loughborough University ; writers Ian Capewell ... [et al.]..